Amazon Delivery Woman leaves unwanted ‘package’ on customer’s yard – IOTW Report

Amazon Delivery Woman leaves unwanted ‘package’ on customer’s yard

FOX: Amazon delivery woman defecates on customer’s front yard while dropping off package.

When Nemy Bautista arrived to his Sacramento home on Tuesday, he found what appeared to be dog poop at the bottom of his driveway. When he looked at the footage in his security camera, however, he found a dissatisfying surprise.

Bautista told Fox News on Friday that instead of a puppy relieving itself, he watched a woman who was delivering a package for Amazon driving a U-Haul doing the deed.


He said he was “shocked” by what he saw and immediately contacted Amazon and filed a complaint. A company representative was “shocked and thoroughly apologized,” and said that the deliverywoman worked for a third-party contractor Amazon had hired to make those deliveries.

“I wanted Amazon to come clean it up,” Bautista said, adding he missed the delivery by minutes.  read more

15 Comments on Amazon Delivery Woman leaves unwanted ‘package’ on customer’s yard

  1. We are in a race to reach third world status thanks to Obama. Last night I read a report that in Germany this behavior is rampant. The city streets there are covered with human waste. Bring in animals and you get animal behavior.

  2. So does Wally World. I predict a mass migration of idiot TSA employees to become delivery drivers for Amazon, Wally World etc. just because of this kind of unacceptable behavior. I wouldn’t accept either. Maybe drone deliveries would be better except for their tendency to shoot to kill if your not one of the great unwashed who will accept these invasions of privacy without question. Rush was right in his TSA parody, “Hi, I’m Larry and I used to soil my self at the bus station.” Bizarro World sucks, I don’t want anything to do with it.

  3. What would’ve made it even better is if she had a recording of The William Tell Overture playing like ice cream trucks do with Turkey in the Straw, Pop Goes The Weasel etc. playing loudly. Take a dump, take a dump , take a dump, dump, dump, dump….. Hi ho Silver, take that Kemosabe.

  4. A third party delivery from Amazon came to my friend’s house no less than 22 times in three days. They did not even place an order.
    Each time the package was delivered they called to have it removed. The package would magically appear again a short time later. The comedy continued for three days. The one time they saw the driver they showed him a map with instructions on how to get to the address on the package. This is when they discovered he didn’t speak English.
    In the end they figured he would die in transit before he figured it out.

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