DOJ Puts Out Arrest Warrant for Kate Steinle’s Killer, Dares Sanctuary San Francisco to Protect Him Again – IOTW Report

DOJ Puts Out Arrest Warrant for Kate Steinle’s Killer, Dares Sanctuary San Francisco to Protect Him Again

Breitbart: The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Texas has put out a new arrest warrant for Jose Inez Garcia Zarate, the multiple-felon illegal alien just acquitted of murder in the death of Kate Steinle.

The warrant stems from Zarate’s violating the conditions of his release from federal prison in 2015. Zarate had been convicted of illegally reentering the United States as a criminal after being deported multiple times, and sentenced to nearly four years in prison plus three more years of supervised release in addition to deportation.

When he finished his prison term, however, he faced more serious drug charges in San Francisco, and was sent there by federal authorities. The “sanctuary city” then promptly dropped the drug charges, and because they refuse to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement, released the criminal alien right back onto the streets rather than honor a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) “detainer” demanding he be returned.

Less than three months after San Francisco protected Zarate from federal prosecution and deportation, he was arrested for the death of Kate Steinle, who bled to death after being stuck by a bullet from a stolen gun in Zarate’s possession.

Despite confessing to shooting Steinle on a San Francisco pier, Zarate was convicted only of illegally possessing a firearm and will face only a short sentence in sanctuary state California. The jury, the majority of whom were San Francisco millennials and one quarter of whom were immigrants, apparently believed the defense’s assertion that Zarate’s stolen pistol went off “accidentally.”  read more

20 Comments on DOJ Puts Out Arrest Warrant for Kate Steinle’s Killer, Dares Sanctuary San Francisco to Protect Him Again

  1. Forget defunding Sanctuary cities; defund the entre f’ing STATE.
    Their only leg to stand on is claiming their (illegal) State law supercedes Federal law.

    Allllll rightyyyyyy, then:
    KEEP your State law, and LOSE every single Federal cent.

    And, yes, lock up each and every State bureaucrat/politician responsible for the travesty.

  2. Over 5 decades I have owned numerous pistols, rifles and shotguns, not one “went off” accidently.

    When a firearm was fired, it was my finger on the trigger.
    It was my responsibility to know my target and what was beyond. If I misjudged or experienced a negligent misfire of my weapon for any reason, I would, rightly so, be held accountable.
    There was no justice or application of existing law in the verdict.

    Don’t wait to see if San Francisco releases Jose Inez Garcia Zarate, go get him before they do.

  3. Replace negligence misfire to “Negligent Discharge”.

    I’ve experienced one negligent discharge …..
    resulting in my 3rd daughter being born.

    Like I said, there are consequences for everyone’s actions.
    In this case I was blessed.

  4. Isn’t there a law, rule, loophole – existing or that could be created – that will require the killer’s lawyer and jury members to be sent to Texas and tried with him? Selecting a jury that stupid is a crime.

  5. You leave him alone and I don’t mean maybe. He is a poor unfortunate human being who foolishly picked up a defective gun that some NRA member left behind to cause trouble. Mr. Zarate is as devastated as everyone else about this tragedy. He has suffered enough.

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