Individualism versus Collectivism – Which Wins in the 21st Century? – IOTW Report

Individualism versus Collectivism – Which Wins in the 21st Century?

Can a civilization full of people whose culture is based to a large degree on individualism and its related values survive the influx of other cultures that are more collectivist in nature?

A very good video essay recommended by Czar of Defenestration


11 Comments on Individualism versus Collectivism – Which Wins in the 21st Century?

  1. If I were her age I’d be terrified. I’m well into the back nine and I can only do so much, but a white minority won’t turn out well.

    Building that wall will help a lot.
    But I’m conflicted about irresponsible and excessive breeding without proper parenting vs. giving them unlimited birth control and abortions. I know killing Is a sin, but we’re in a war for cultural survival not unlike any other war.

  2. In 40,000 years Sub Sahara negros never
    even invented the wheel or ANY form of written
    language.A mud hut with twigs as re enforcement
    is their crowning achievement This done because it
    will be easier to kill and control a low IQ populous
    by the NWO.

  3. Her serious question demands a serious answer. Whites’ individualism / shared values can prevail over collectivism / shared identity by demonstrating (not merely debating/arguing) that the overt benefits of collectivism come at a real but less than obvious cost, and that a straightforward cost:benefit demonstration shows that cost is too high.

  4. Whites need to band together. Whites that allied with nonwhites are our biggest immediate enemy.
    I’m afraid that we are either headed for a partial human extinction event or a dark ages that we can never awake from.
    I was hoping we could all get along somehow, but the last several years have taught me that is impossible.
    Whites can only live with other whites or we will have our good nature taken advantage of and ultimately be exterminated. Yes, the choice is that stark.

  5. Plantsman, who says the nonwhites left will have any need or desire for a space shuttle.
    Does Zimbabwe miss out because they don’t have a presence on the International Space Station?
    Non-whites could care less about that kind of stuff.

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