More Leftist Hypocrisy -> Liberal Use of Racial Epithets and Gun Play By Dem Pol – IOTW Report

More Leftist Hypocrisy -> Liberal Use of Racial Epithets and Gun Play By Dem Pol

6 Comments on More Leftist Hypocrisy -> Liberal Use of Racial Epithets and Gun Play By Dem Pol

  1. So he drives thru a crowd of protesters and also shoots at some poor slobs just out doing a job. What a nice guy he must be. With just that information there’s no doubt he’s a democrat.

  2. It’s ST. LOUIS!

    You can’t get anywhere in that town without waiving a gun around.

    I hope a jury finds him not guilty, and he just walks free. That’s the template these days.

  3. This is about as Democrat as you can possibly get.
    – A fundraiser for the Party
    – A gun waving nutcase bigot in his private life – a true hypocrite
    – For completeness – Is he a sexual predator, too?

  4. I guess having to mouth all that PC Leftist crap about Diversity caused a counter reaction.

    Proof these hypocrites know their ideology is all wrong.

    But there’s a steady paycheck in it.

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