Aw, Christmas Tree! – IOTW Report

Aw, Christmas Tree!

h/t Fred.

9 Comments on Aw, Christmas Tree!

  1. Used to have a gray tabby that climbed the inside of the Christmas tree and got the trimmings at the top when we weren’t looking – he was banned from room when alone in the house.

    Of course his shenanigans were forever forgiven on Christmas day when he would stalk and jump at discarded present wrappings.

  2. A few years back, when we got our first dog, our lil’ pup was under the mistaken impression that the Christmas tree was his new indoor potty place. We have since moved to an artificial tree, which of course does not have the alluring, green-pine scent of the great outdoors. Problem solved.

  3. Believe me, Anon, I’m smilin’ through this whole exchange. ^5

    We have two cats, bro and sis, the whole of a litter. The tom is so passive you could use him as a dish rag. The queen is so stupid I swear her mama dropped her on her noggin when she was small. She’s cost me a few hundred in broken collectibles; she’s lucky to be still alive.

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