DOJ Demotes Official Over Trump Dossier Contacts – IOTW Report

DOJ Demotes Official Over Trump Dossier Contacts

DC: The Department of Justice has demoted a top official over his contacts with the former British spy who authored the Trump dossier as well as with Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the salacious document.

Fox News reports that Bruce G. Ohr was removed from his position as associate deputy attorney general on Wednesday. Ohr, who worked in close proximity to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, had contacts last year with dossier author Christopher Steele as well as with Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion GPS.  Story

SNIP: ‘Demotes’ is not quite fired, though, is it?

13 Comments on DOJ Demotes Official Over Trump Dossier Contacts

  1. When in the hell are these corrupt TURDS going to be tried and convicted and sent to Leavenworth? They have no trouble in convicting a 4 Star General of not telling the truth to that CORRUPT FBI! Lady Justice’s Scale Is Permanently Tipped!

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