Friday in the UK – IOTW Report

Friday in the UK

A declaration of supremacism: Muslim street praying every Friday all over London, blocking streets and sidewalks.

more at Jihad Watch

24 Comments on Friday in the UK

  1. It’s the same in Paris and other cities worldwide. There is a simple solution, have people with canisters filled with water that has been infused with pork products spray the streets and sidewalks before prayer hour. After a period of time, the need for new prayer rugs will become cost-prohibitive.
    I don’t thin this is cruel or Islamophobic, this is a war for the heart and sole of Western Civilization. They have no respect for anything but Sharia and are above the laws of the land.

  2. It’s the same in Paris and other cities worldwide. There is a simple solution, have people with canisters filled with water that has been infused with pork products spray the streets and sidewalks before prayer hour. After a period of time, the need for new prayer rugs will become cost-prohibitive.
    I don’t thin this is cruel or Islamophobic, this is a war for the heart and soul of Western Civilization. They have no respect for anything but Sharia and are above the laws of the land.

  3. ENOCH POWELL, BRITISH MP WAS RIGHT! But they ran him out of office and called him a racist. Tommy Robinson of the EDL (English Defense League) is right also, but the liberal mousie lovers hate his guts. Good bye England. ’twas nice knowin’ ya. I’ll bet you’d love to have more Irish bastards building your roads, buildings, and bridges; fighting in your armies now, than the scum you have invited in. Fuck you all.

  4. @MT – I just had a similar thought. I’m watching a 1935 version of Scrooge.
    And thought – What’s needed this season is the ghost of Enoch Powell – to again warn of the chains they burden themselves now and into the future with the choices they make now, or made in the recent past.

  5. There was a time when the sun never set on the British Empire. All that changed when they refused to receive Holocaust survivors after WWII. This is just the latest curse they have brought upon themselves for doing so. Pay attention America. Never turn your back on God’s chosen. It always ends badly.

  6. Is England at 5% yet? They’re already exhibiting the special demands phase. At 10% they start to infil government and take it over. At 50% it’s bloody war in the streets.

    No Islam. Never Islam. Anywhere, anytime.

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