There are only 2 genders – Change My Mind – IOTW Report

There are only 2 genders – Change My Mind

This Crowder series is always thought-provoking and well done.

Crowder is very good at stating his case.

HT/ Christian PDX

21 Comments on There are only 2 genders – Change My Mind

  1. I don’t need to watch it, nor do I need to argue it.
    It is a recent construct by the fagtivists that never happened in all of human history. Until what?
    5 years ago?

    Suddenly I need to hear the Ramones sing “Beat on the brat”.

  2. These people only play in the shallow end of the pool, they would need water wings to swim in the real world deep end.
    Madison scared me, Would hope Crowner held onto his balls, she would have taken them at the first chance. Bet she has Thomas Gingerbun’s hanging on her barn door.
    It matters, we don’t care.

  3. Gender Bender:
    “A person who dresses and behaves like a member of the opposite sex.”
    That definition is straight out of Webster’s dictionary.
    Gender and sex are the same thing, regardless of what the freaks say.

  4. It is safe to say not all University students are mentally ill or indoctrinated by the sickness of liberal academia. But peer pressure by the converted militant perverts does have an impact.

  5. Madison, the second person who talks to Crowder, appears to be “empowered” by her weirdness on campus whereas in reality her lack of brain power and awful attitude would make her utterly forgettable off campus.

  6. There is no scientific evidence of more than two sexes.
    The other 5 or 12 or 35 or 42 or 47 other “genders” were created in sociology classrooms in universities and in living rooms of blue haired ugly lesbians with the assistance of the beta male millennial/hipster.
    They’re all frigging insane.

  7. “Act of violence isn’t criminal.”

    These mutants don’t seem to understand that if you approach me violently I have the right to react with superior violence. Maybe my reaction would be criminal. There’s no sex in my violence.

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