NYT: Emails ‘Undercut’ Trump-Russia Collusion – IOTW Report

NYT: Emails ‘Undercut’ Trump-Russia Collusion

Daily Caller- The New York Times wrote Friday that Russian government attempts to connect with Donald Trump aide Hope Hicks undercut the theory that the Kremlin had deep ties with the Trump campaign.

“The Russian emails to Ms. Hicks occurred six months after the F.B.I. had begun investigating possible connections between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia,” the Times reported about Russian operatives’ emails to Hicks during the presidential transition.

“In some ways, the Russian outreach to Ms. Hicks undercuts the idea that the Russian government had established deep ties to the Trump campaign before the election. If it had, Russian officials might have found a better entrèe to the White House than unprompted emails to Ms. Hicks.” read more

7 Comments on NYT: Emails ‘Undercut’ Trump-Russia Collusion

  1. The Left is just nuts.
    They’ve been clinging to this fantasy that Candidate Trump had ties to Russia.
    For a year now.
    With a hack team of expensive Democrat government lawyers investigating this whole time.
    They got nothing.
    Nothing on Mr. Trump.
    Meanwhile they, the investigators and the media, outright ignore the corruption and collusion obvious throughout the Clinton/Obama campaign.
    I’m so sick of it.

  2. Anybody notice this shit about national politics is MUCH better than the shit that flew about and was ‘very important’ when you were participating in ‘politics’ in jr high?

    Sad truth is, the shit in jr high had much more impact on you as an individual than anything that goes in inside the Beltway.

    Updating your Facebook makes you feel relevant. Railing against the last, latest, most ephemeral ’cause de jour’ in the capitol makes us… what?


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