27 Percent of Millennials Would Date a Robot – IOTW Report

27 Percent of Millennials Would Date a Robot

PJ Media-

Millennials get picked on a lot. It’s not completely unwarranted, mind you. Millennials have some attitudes that just have to be mocked.

However, the latest regarding millennials may not be as mock-worthy as it sounds, once you consider how terrible their dating scene has become.

According to The Daily Mail, 27 percent of all millennials feel that it would be normal to form relationships — both romantic or otherwise — with digital denizens. Unsurprisingly, men are three times more likely to do so.

Honestly, anyone shocked by this clearly hasn’t been paying attention. The millennial generation is policed by a virtual minefield of words, phrases, and comments that aren’t permissible, and these change from day to day. What’s offensive today will be embraced and “owned” by a “marginalized” group tomorrow. You just can’t keep up.

When it comes to relationships, millennial men find themselves in a situation where it’s entirely possible to engage in a consensual sexual encounter, only to see it called rape later on. There are multiple instances where this has happened on college campuses, and even if the men are exonerated, they suffer negative ramifications.

Robots, however, aren’t likely to care about any of that.

If they’re programmed for providing pleasure and maybe hold a decent conversation, that’s all most guys need. Hell, for some guys, the conversation is optional. The same survey of 12,000 people of various ages worldwide found that 20 percent of men prefer their virtual world of social media to the real one

ht/ ann droid

37 Comments on 27 Percent of Millennials Would Date a Robot

  1. Millennials are still good people beneath the Bat Shit of their Professors. They were just beaten down by the White Man Hating Lesbians, who Love ruining a free life !
    Let ’em have the Robots until the Freaks go back into hiding !

  2. Poor guys, they need to go to a trade school, join the service, get the hell away from the halls of Metrosexualism.
    Build calluses with real men, do real jobs and earn money they can be proud of for a job well done.
    Build it, they will come.
    Never met a real woman who didn’t respond to a manly man.

  3. I was married to a real good woman for 30+ years, there is no way in Hell I would’ve traded her in for a sexbot. Gimme a friggin break, you millennial dorks try it you just like it. Believe me the sacrifice (evidently sacrifice is a foreign concept to these schmucks) is worth it.

  4. Meanwhile, the Muzzies will be procreating like rabbits and before you know it they will be running the world. The trick would be to create little robot boys and girls for them to spend their time with.

  5. When I was a kid (and I still am in many ways) we had hobbies that included making stuff, building and figuring stuff out. Besides sports, making a playhouse, a tree house, making and flying airplanes, model cars etc. was just good fun. Today kids parents just go out and buy it. Making something today is a lost art.
    TV was bad enough, but being raised in front of a computer can be even worse. Augmented reality and virtual reality is cool technology, but it cannot be a substitute for the real thing. Same thing with robots, but let’s face it, there will always be people looking for the path of least resistance or the easiest ways to do something.

  6. If they can ever make them look like Sherry Jackson from the old Star Trek episode “What are Little Girls Made of?”, I might be interested. I think James Kirk would probably agree.

  7. @Irate Nate: Millennials wouldn’t get those jokes anyway.

    I read the other day where a guy showed a kid an old 3.5″ floppy and the kid said, “Cool! You made a model of the ‘save’ button.”

  8. Roy Moore would be accused of consorting with a robot that was manufactured only last year.

    I don’t blame millenial males, particularly white millenial males – they ae coninually told that they are privileged misogynistic rapists. They are taught that women must be believed, even when it turns out the women are lying through their teeth. And as today’s climate of puritanical inquisition, even transgressions and indiscretions that occurred decaades ago can ruin reputations and careers.

    A lot of these young men are escaping in the world of pornography which is freely available online. It is a short jump from that to sexbots. Today’s militant feminists may wonder sometime where all the men went, when the answer is that they drove them away.

  9. Yeah. It’s fun to whine about the whippersnappers. But it’s wrong to accuse them of responding to their environment. They weren’t allowed to have a say in that environment. They aren’t allowed to vote (depending on your definition of their generation either legally, nor effectively) to change that environment. This is the “place where hope is rationally abandoned” that you, old fogeys, have cast them into. Take a large(ish) group of these young men (sorry “men”) and drop them in a “reservation” (none dare call it a “camp”) in Saudi Arabia (for a few more months), or the Afghani “tribal regions” — this is their home; theirs by international recognition of boundaries; theirs by no “work” for your previous owners “will set you free” lies; and see what they do. (Here’s a hint: It won’t be drive a “ride share” to just cover the cost of weed.)

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