What a Difference 60 Days Makes – IOTW Report

What a Difference 60 Days Makes

I guess this is God punishing California for handing Hillary the popular vote, right libtards?

HT/ BCattin

13 Comments on What a Difference 60 Days Makes

  1. also punishing the Libtards for insane ecological policies that protect weeds on hillsides by calling them Environmentally Sensitive Lands…..yeah…how quickly those WEEDS burn down the libtards houses and then they invent global warming and the patsy to tax the rest of us into submission……

  2. @Mithrandir – The problem with secession that always comes up is drawing geographic borders between “us” and “them”. My preference would be for secession to be on an individual by individual basis. In other words, I want to declare myself independent of all those levels of govt that claim to “represent” me (“control” is more like it), but keep on living in the same place I’m in now. Managing competing govts in the same geographic area would pose its own challenges, but not as intractable as mass migration to achieve physical separation.

  3. Progress report on my home after Hurricane Harvey flooding. They are finishing up the sheetrock soon and the cabinets are next. We’re making good progress and hope to be living in the travel trailer for only another three months. Everyone around here is working hard to get over the flood. The official rainfall here was 57.75 inches in five days. The three inches of snow we got yesterday was a rare surprise for us here in the Texas Gulf Coast area.

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