Trumpet Player Quits Performance After Leftist’s Rants – IOTW Report

Trumpet Player Quits Performance After Leftist’s Rants

star trib

From SpartaReport: We have a New Hero, folks! Conservative Manny Laureano, the principle trumpeter for the Minnesota Orchestra, walked out of a live symphony performance when guest pianist Rufus Wainwright went on a #Resistance rant between songs.

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15 Comments on Trumpet Player Quits Performance After Leftist’s Rants

  1. Saxindacity, As much as it pains me to say it, since I–a true son of Wisconsin–am a Packers fan, the Vikings are better than the Packers for standing (and not linking arms) during the National Anthem.

    All you Packers fans, shout this our shame from the housetops in Green Bay.

  2. Way to go Mr Laureano. I’m assuming Rufus is the son of Loudoun Wainwright. Saw him at the Silver Dollar Saloon in East Lansing,Mi. In the late 70’s. Sumbitch would be so drunk he’d fall off his stool.


    Every situation, they think they are AT LIBERTY to spew their political garbage in every situation.

    SWAT THEM ON THE NOSE WITH A NEWSPAPER as soon as possible. That’s the only way they’ll learn.

    Don’t be polite and just ignore it. If they start a dumpster fire, throw gasoline on it.

  4. What do you expect from Rufie – an uber-liberal gay fella with a famous father? He has to toe the line, no matter how freaking stupid he sounds. The liberal media and arts folks pander to him, making him feel greater than most. Pride goeth before a fall.

  5. What 1harpazo said. We don’t go to see political tripe and just like NFL owners don’t pay the player to make political statements, these player don’t get a paycheck for political grandstanding either! Rufus the Dufus should have his pay docked for this stunt.

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