Dylan Farrow, Who Maintains She Was Molested at 7 Years of Age by Woody Allen, Is Not Overly Impressed With #MeToo – IOTW Report

Dylan Farrow, Who Maintains She Was Molested at 7 Years of Age by Woody Allen, Is Not Overly Impressed With #MeToo

Dylan sticks by her story, that Allen took her into an attic when she was 7 and he molested her. A maid in the household said on another occasion she walked into a room and  Allen had his head down by a place where it shouldn’t be. Later the child was found to have no underpants on.



“No one wants to discourage abuse victims from speaking out, but one must bear in mind that sometimes there are people who are falsely accused and that is also a terribly destructive thing,” Mr. Allen wrote in The Times in response to her accounts then.

In the Los Angeles Times article, published on Thursday, Ms. Farrow, 32, acknowledged Mr. Allen’s previous denials. “But this is not a ‘he said, child said’ situation. Allen’s pattern of inappropriate behavior — putting his thumb in my mouth, climbing into bed with me in his underwear, constant grooming and touching — was witnessed by friends and family members,” she wrote.


She asks why Kate Winslet is starring in the molester’s new movie?

Good question.

Why has Allen escaped this “revolution”?

12 Comments on Dylan Farrow, Who Maintains She Was Molested at 7 Years of Age by Woody Allen, Is Not Overly Impressed With #MeToo

  1. “Beyond Good and Evil”

    Mr. Allen, because of his “art,” is beyond the pedestrian notions of good and evil. He can sexually abuse his children because he is beyond “morality.” His sexual predations of minors (and toddlers) is part of the foundation of his “psyche” and, thus, an indispensable aspect of his personality. He could no more be the great “artiste” without his, uhh, shall we say, peccadilloes, than Napoleon could have become Emperor without his novel approach to artillery.

    Mao Tse-Dung is the most revered socialist in the socialistic pantheon, and he, too, was a renowned molester of children – it seems to go with the territory – Satanism and child-sacrifice – whether through fire or sexual abuse.

    Mohammed is also a highly revered child-molester.

    We avert our eyes because to look is to require action.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Woody Allen is innocent of these accusations. It was accepted by most astute observers at the time that Mia Farrow had coached Dylan and implanted false memories within her as an act of revenge for his involvement with Soon Yi. While I don’t particularly care for Mr. Allen or most of his films, it is in the interest of justice that I write here to maintain his innocence of molestation. They never happened, and Mia Farrow is a very wicked person for doing what she did.

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