Wayback Machine Archive – IOTW Report

Wayback Machine Archive

I like posting these once in a while. This is an archived piece from April 29th, 2009. Still apropos.

This was largely created by Hippie Critic.

Here is a snapshot of part of the comment section.

CFM… you’re older than dirt!

And I think Monkey Pig was a the former name of someone who still comments. I’ll let them step forward if they see tis.

16 Comments on Wayback Machine Archive

  1. This is still my favorite site so I’m not I’m not being critical of the current content, but the early days of iOTW were great, I really enjoyed the early obama love that was here. It took me a while to comment, I tried a couple names. One of my first comments was a cartoon of obama as a bull throwing the matador that was the US taxpayer.

  2. I think I started in 2009, particularly as I was ‘laid off’ on Friday the 13th of February, 3 weeks after 0bama took office. I was out of work and trolling the interwebs for a long time.

  3. My wife was reading the site and told me to take a look at it. Way, way way back when. I think it was 1989.
    My wife also read the people’s cube but told me not to bother cause I wouldn’t get it and she was right, most of it was over my IQ. She is a psychiatrist and could be in Mensa.
    But couldn’t care less. She says if I have to spend hours explaining it to you it’s no fun for me.

  4. Your avatar was an insulin bottle at one time. I used to like to see who Tammy would attack next.
    That was fun.
    She would get pissed if you committed as anonymous so of course I started commenting as anonymous.
    I only used an iPhone 3 to comment with. So whenever that phone came out that’s about the time I was here.
    Now I am using an iPhone 6s. I think.

  5. I don’t comment much, but I’m here every day. Been here since 2009. My favorite commenter ever was Melanie. She wasn’t around around for long, but was freakin’ hilarious! There’s no way that she is still here under another name, she’d be too obvious to spot. I wish she would return.

  6. @Im not PC, thanks for making me feel half smart😂. I love reading the people’s cube and understand it. So far I’m a 15yr lurker. Unfortunately I’m not smart enough to post. How they come up with those ideas!

  7. I started frequenting this site in 1804 to oppose the dictatorship of Bonaparte.

    That whole Louisiana Purchase thing just pissed me off.

    I had negotiated a better deal; and then du Pont and Talleyrand fucked it all up.

  8. Oh, I remember those up thumb/down thumb things. So glad to see them go; too much angst for some readers when they got down thumbed. But it did feel nice when you down thumbed a troll.

    Fur, didn’t you start iOTW with your buds just after Oblahblah was elected? I found you that summer and you haven’t been able to get rid of me since!

  9. I remember when Ginger(we allowed to speak that name aloud?) got all butthurt over anything anal, and if I recall, got herself chased off the site. Strange, it doesn’t seem like I’ve been lurking here that long…

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