Food Stamp Program Costs Hit Seven-Year Low – IOTW Report

Food Stamp Program Costs Hit Seven-Year Low

Breitbart: The amount of money the federal government spends on the food stamp program has hit a seven-year low, according to the latest U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) data outlining the cost of the food stamp program.

The U.S. government spent an estimated $68 billion on the food stamp program in fiscal year (FY) 2017, the lowest amount the government has spent on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)—the program that administers food stamps—since the year 2010 when the government funneled $68.2 billion towards the program.

Government spending on the SNAP program peaked at an all-time high in 2013, when the federal government poured an estimated $79.8 billion into the program because the Obama administration allowed those with higher incomes to receive benefits.

Enrollment in the government program swelled to 47.6 million in 2013—its highest level since former President Lyndon Johnson began the food stamp program in 1964.

As more people enrolled in SNAP, the government spent more money on the program to keep up with the influx of people receiving benefits.

Although both spending and enrollment reached its peak in 2013, the massive increase in federal government spending on the program began in 2009—the first year of Barack Obama’s presidency, according to USDA data.


7 Comments on Food Stamp Program Costs Hit Seven-Year Low

  1. It’s like people joining the SNAP university, while supplies last everything is free.
    They screwed up when they didn’t require several hours employment a day.
    Telling people you don’t have to ever work is idiotic.
    Then the MSM took away the ‘I’m embarrassed’ to use food stamp part.
    So now we have professional non working people living off the people who do work.

  2. Still way too much. It should be 6.8 billion instead of 68 billion. There will always be a certain percentage of the population that truly need assistance, but the system was not designed to support multi-generation families that are simply too lazy to work. There are solutions to this but it would require a complete revamping of our school system to include trade education. Not every child advanced mathematics and such to be a success in life.

  3. Allowing food stamps in fast food restaurants, as in the above picture, is ridiculous. They should be limited to the most basic and affordable foods. If they are unemployed or underemployed they have plenty of time for cooking.

  4. Someone on facebook argued a while back that it was good that fast food places accepted EBT because some families don’t have access to a kitchen. whut? So a family so poor that they’re missing a kitchen is on foodstamps and allowed to live in a place with no kitchens or sinks or refrigerators? FFS. And someone buying a full sheet of special order bday cake is okay too because, DIGNITY! LOL. And the dinner at Red Lobster? There’s an excuse for that, too. DIGNITY! A family shouldn’t be expected to never ever eat at a nice place, because … DIGNITY!
    Never ending unearned taxpayer dollars=DIGNITY! Just so ya know.

  5. And just ignore the 3 kids playing with the new iPhones and iPads in line in front of you at WalMart as the dad is whipping out that welfare card paying only for the stuff allowed and the mom is paying for the other half of the stuff with her ebt. The best part is, they own lots of jewelry, too. But no wedding rings. Hmm…

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