Federal Judge Recuses Herself From A Second Fusion GPS Case – IOTW Report

Federal Judge Recuses Herself From A Second Fusion GPS Case

Daily Caller- A federal judge in Washington, D.C. has recused herself from a second case involving Trump dossier firm Fusion GPS.

Tanya S. Chutkan, an Obama appointee, recused herself on Monday from a case involving a dispute over subpoenas issued for Fusion GPS, the firm that commissioned the dossier.

Aleksej Gubarev, a Russian tech executive accused in the dossier of hacking Democrats’ computer systems, has sought to subpoena Fusion GPS records and to depose its employees to find out more about the research firm’s work on the dossier.

Gubarev is suing BuzzFeed for defamation for publishing the dossier earlier this year. He denies the allegations laid out in the document, which was written by former British spy Christopher Steele.

Chutkan recused herself last month from another case involving Fusion GPS. The firm had filed suit against its bank, TD Bank, to keep it from complying with a subpoena issued by the House Intelligence Committee, which sought Fusion’s bank records.

Chutkan presided over that case from Oct. 20 to Nov. 9. It was reassigned to Judge Richard Leon, a George W. Bush appointee. Since taking over the case, Leon has indicated that he plans to allow more transparency into the court proceedings involving the battle over Fusion’s bank records. He has ordered several documents be unsealed and made public.

Chutkan has presided over the case involving the lawsuit against BuzzFeed since Aug. 31. Her replacement is Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee who assumed office in October.

The reasons for Chutkan’s recusals remain a mystery. Keep reading

11 Comments on Federal Judge Recuses Herself From A Second Fusion GPS Case

  1. If I were judge Moore I’d sue both accusers for libel and slander and see All-RED disbarred.

    To all you folks glad that judge Moore lost, I accuse each one of you of sexual impropriety and will be happy to forge, er, produce evidence against you.

  2. Common reasons for recusal:. Interest in subject matter, or relationship with someone who’s interested in it. Personal knowledge about the parties or facts in the case. Ex parte communications with lawyers or non-lawyers.

  3. Different Tim, they do give a reason, it’s just delayed. The announcement of mystery recusal comes first, in the Mainstream Media. The reason for recusal comes later, in the Backwater Media.

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