Former Nuclear Regulatory Commission General Counsel Can’t Remember if Staff Followed All Rules in Uranium One Deal – IOTW Report

Former Nuclear Regulatory Commission General Counsel Can’t Remember if Staff Followed All Rules in Uranium One Deal

NTK: Former U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) General Counsel Stephen Burns told the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on Wednesday that he could not remember if NRC staff followed all relevant regulations during the 2010 Uranium One deal.

“Do you believe that NRC staff followed all appropriate regulations and guidance for Uranium One?” Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE) asked, telling Burns that he could respond in writing if he could not remember.

“I think I’ll respond for the record,” Burns responded, opting to answer in writing instead of during the hearing.
“I don’t have a robust recollection of the particular circumstances of that time,” he admitted.

Hillary Clinton came under fire during the 2016 election for her connection to the Uranium One deal. The agreement gave access to almost a fifth of U.S. uranium production to the Russians.  Watch

9 Comments on Former Nuclear Regulatory Commission General Counsel Can’t Remember if Staff Followed All Rules in Uranium One Deal

  1. instead of asking “Did you … ?” the typical demonRat questions: “Do you believe … ?” it allows their weasel to wiggle out of responsibility

    it’s akin to “Do you feel … ?” Demoncrat … the party of No Responsibility

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