American ‘Travelling Butts’ Couple to Be Deported from Thailand – IOTW Report

American ‘Travelling Butts’ Couple to Be Deported from Thailand

I guess since it was Bangkok they thought it was perversion friendly.


BANGKOK – The Two American men who were arrested in Thailand for posting bare bottom photos to Instagram have reportedly been released from jail and are heading home to San Diego.

Joseph Dasilva, 38, and Travis Dasilva, 36, were arrested at Bangkok’s Don Mueang International Airport last month after images posted to their ‘Travelling Butts’ Instagram account showed them dropping their trousers at various religious sites around Thailand.

The photos, one of which showed the men with their trousers down at Wat Arun temple, went viral and quickly caught the attention of the Thai authorities who arrested the married couple as they tried to depart Thailand on November 28.

It had been reported the couple faced up to seven years in jail for breaching Thailand’s strict Computer Crimes Act.

However, on Friday the Star-Online reported that a Thai court dismissed the charges against the men, who had been held in jail since their arrest. The men were instead handed over to Immigration Police who are processing their deportation.

“They wanted me to thank everyone for their thoughts prayers and concerns,” said Robert Rodriguez, a friend of the couple.

“They send all their love to their friends that have supported them,” he added. With their return to the United States imminent, the pair wasted no time in resurrecting their Travelling Butts Instagram account, which has a meager following of 2719 people.

The account also still includes all the photos that landed the men in jail in the first place.

Last week, it was reported that the men had paid a fine of Bt5,000 each following their arrest.

Commenting at the time of their arrest, Thai government officials said: “This is a reminder that everyone should have respect for Thai religion and culture.”


How about some self-respect??

ht/ the big owe

32 Comments on American ‘Travelling Butts’ Couple to Be Deported from Thailand

  1. When (L)iberal Americans practice the same rudeness and disrespect they have for their own country to other countries and their cultures, they will always be in for a rude wakening. We always had good rapport with people in other countries when we showed them the respect they deserved as guests in their lands. These guys are shameless and disgusting!

  2. Barack Obama flew in just in time to free these butt pilots as President Trump freed the UCLA basketball thieves from communist China…..Barack said ” I come in peace and all rear ends should be viewed as frisky biscuit Hors D’oeurvres”…

  3. They can call themselves a married couple, adopt the same last name, ape the same behaviors of sane natural couples, but they will never be married under God’s law. They are a farce.

    I hate that this sick shit is associated with America.

  4. Good for the thais. That is a freewheeling country in many respects but they take their sacred sites and royal family very seriously.
    Singapore is the caner in that region i dont think the thais do that.

  5. “Thai authorities who arrested the married couple …”
    To each other i assume. I guess they take turns as to which one is Mr. or Mrs.
    I don’t really want to know the answer.

    Every time I see some jerk wearing his pants below his azz. I think – if I could pop them with a pellet pistol they’d soon learn how to dress properly in public.

  6. A religious person will respect the beliefs of others, even though they are not the same as his own. A perverted atheist respects no one’s beliefs. As this example shows.
    At least these two twinks can serve as the bad example of what NOT to do, and how NOT to behave.

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