Gowdy Doing What He Does Best – Framing Questions To Make Fools Look Like Fools – IOTW Report

Gowdy Doing What He Does Best – Framing Questions To Make Fools Look Like Fools

What does Gowdy do after these scathing and flaying inquiries? I dunno.

I never seen anything at all come of these tremendous sessions of questioning.

Here he lays it out for Rosenstein – the Mueller investigation is forever tainted because of a central investigator for the special counsel is about as biased as anyone could be against Trump.

In a sane world Rosenstein would say, “you’re right, ” and pack up his papers and go advise Mueller that the case is crap. But that doesn’t happen. These worms go underground for a day and reemerge as if nothing at all was learned from the Gowdy inquiry.

30 Comments on Gowdy Doing What He Does Best – Framing Questions To Make Fools Look Like Fools

  1. I got to say, Gowdy, same old same old. Not that he wasn’t right on point. But tomorrow, or even the rest of the week you won’t here shit. I watched this live and Jim Jordan raped Rosenstein.

  2. I hate being skeptical, but now that Gowdy has his sound bite he is done. Nothing more to accomplish. Who is next on the docket, I might need one more for tonight’s news. As a congressman, has he ever closed the books on an investigation that lead to a conviction of anybody? There is more damn criminal activity in DC, and less done about it than anyplace in the country.

  3. “As a congressman, has he ever closed the books on an investigation that lead to a conviction of anybody?”

    LOL. Not as a congressman, but I did see him on a Forensics Files on a case that he won as DA and his hair was fabulous.

  4. @joe6 ~ you are absolutely correct, sir …. Gowdy is great on cross-exam, but absolutely nothing comes of anything he brings up
    just like most all repubs …. all hat & no cattle

  5. MJA, that’s another problem he has. One day his hair is fabulous, then the next time you see him he has a frickin rooster comb. Other than getting thinner, I haven’t changed my hair in 35 years. Maybe I should change things up a little bit.

  6. “Be careful, guys. Gowdy is weepy for DACA and amnesty.”

    More exposure to weird hair. Something you need to realize about this guy. He’s no spring chicken, and he’s 135 pounds soaking wet. Just sayen.

  7. While Gowdy does a fantastic job humiliating assholes like Rosenstein on a regular basis, I can’t help but notice that, afterward, nothing… fucking… happens.

    It’s pretty clear now that the only Russian collusion going on was done by the very fucking people going after Trump for colluding with the Russians, and the actual collusion was done to hurt Trump. This is what the motherfucking Obama administration has done to the DoJ and FBI… and this is what the fucking GOP in Congress let that asshole Obama do. Un-fucking-believable.

    Rosenshitforbrains wasted no time in appointing a special prosecutor to go after Trump based on evidence that we all know now was total shit, but now that evidence is shown that Clinton paid for the creation of the Russian dossier and that it’s highly likely the FBI purchased the dossier specifically to use to nail Trump as part of a scheme to “protect the Republic” (Can you believe these arrogant fucks at the FBI?), not a peep about a special prosecutor… This reminds my of how “fact checker” sights turned into DNC propaganda mills. The DoJ and FBI are now just a private Stasi secret police for the fucking DNC, and not a fucking thing is going to get done about it.

    Fuck what this country has become. Fuck it.

  8. “That’s what Mr. Mueller did. As soon as he learned about this issue [Strzok] he took action.”

    After working with this clown for a year Inspector Clouseau just figured out he was a rabid anti-Trump Hillary lover? Gee, I wonder what was his first clue?

    And Mr. Rosencrantz wonders why people think he’s an idiot?

  9. Yawn, wake me when the criminals actually go to jail.
    In the meantime I have been laid off for the third time this year and I am just trying to make a living and get by while these A-Holes in DC ruin this once great Republic.

    Friggin’ A-Holes – do your job and send these POS’s to jail (or gaol if you’re old English).

  10. The Gowdy problem is inbred in congress. They spend tons of money wasting time on meaningless, gutless, can’t-do-anything about it investigations, but HAVE NO POWER TO DO ANYTHING.

    Think and remember, congress put a subpoena out for Holder, which was not just ignored, but given the raspberry & mooning, treatment by both Holder and obama. obama even brought the corrupt Holder under his ‘executive privilege’ umbrella, ILLEGALLY!

    Congress is NOT the judicial part of the government. They need to stick to what they are supposed to do, represent the Americans who voted for them.

    Our aristocratic congress, are peacocks preening and seeking favors that will get them re-elected. This damn tax bill- they should have had CUTS in government, to balance it, NOT go further in debt. Government is just too damn big and corrupt. I don’t know about Tillerson’s veracity in support of President Trump , but the one thing he has done, cutting staff, is the right step all government should be following.

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