My favorite WH Press Secretary lightheartedly trolls reporter, Rosie O’Donuts goes nuts – IOTW Report

My favorite WH Press Secretary lightheartedly trolls reporter, Rosie O’Donuts goes nuts

Why is Rosie O’Donnell always sticking her fat big-boned nose where it doesn’t belong, anyway?

BPR: Bourbon with that? Sarah Sanders hilariously trolls April Ryan… nearly drives Rosie O’Donnell over the edge!

Who doesn’t like their holiday fixins’ served with a side of sass – especially when it comes from Press Secretary Sarah Sanders.

Not only does Sanders have to go out and defend President Donald Trump’s controversial use of Twitter … she seems to be following his lead!

Sanders took her ongoing feud with biased liberal reporter April Ryan to hilarious new heights Monday night with a series of colorful tweets:

31 Comments on My favorite WH Press Secretary lightheartedly trolls reporter, Rosie O’Donuts goes nuts

  1. Speaking of liberal comedians, I got heckled by ellen degenerate years ago because I was in the crowd but she could tell I didn’t think she was funny, so she started heckling me. What a bitch.

  2. Nothing is more unnerving to a liberal comedian than to sit there with your arms crossed and not laugh.
    I’ve done it. They’re so insecure that this move makes them crazy. It’s fun.

  3. They say that an NYPD Sergeant has “The Toughest Job in The World.” That may be so.
    But Sarah Huckabee Sanders is doing a yeoman’s job putting up with these weasel, smart aleck, Thump hating know-nothings, who ask triple questions a clip and then interrupt her answer. She has the patience of Job. God Bless her. You Go Girl!
    (Ret. NYPD Sgt.)

  4. PIE FIGHT!!!!!!

    Do it Sarah. Smash one of those beauties into the face of the most deserving journalist. Make sure we get video.
    Actually. Pieing a neighbor was one of the funniest moments ever. When he eventually pied me back was just as funny.

  5. We should have the first annual IOTW pie fight this spring. Don’t wear anything you care about.
    Damn. We need to have some fun. I’ll buy a few dozen pies.

    Life has gotten so serious over the last decade. I’m exhausted.

  6. A t rue Story. Would I lie?
    Years ago I helped out at an Irish Feis at the Marion Shrine in Rockland NY. It was a day of Bag Pipes, Irish Dancing and so forth. They were selling raffle tickets and Rosie bought 100 tickets at a buck a piece. She wrote her name and phone number on one ticket and told the seller to fill out the other 99. The seller was elated so he came to me and told me to fill out the 99 tickets with her name a phone number. I, being a prick, called a few lads together and told them to fill out the tickets with any Tom, Dick, or Harry you know. Name and Phone number only.
    Nobody won. Rosie did not win.
    The prizes were:
    First: A week in The Bronx
    Second: Two weeks in the Bronx
    Third: Two nights in Detroit.

  7. Haha! Sarah Sanders is the best. She’s smart, funny and tough. The WH Press Corpse don’t know this is Sanders wheel house. She grew up knowing how to deal with the DC political culture. The troll, Rosie O’Dullard, is out of her league.

  8. PIE FIGHT! Just an idea for a rally. Some fun. A new rallying cry. PIE FIGHT!

    Shit. None of the commonsensical things seem to be working. Tax cuts are being scuttled. Immigration reform scuttled. Obamacare still exists.
    Let’s go Animal House crazy with the time we have left.
    OK. It was FOOD FIGHT but you get the idea.

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