770 EPA Bureaucrats Call It Quits – IOTW Report

770 EPA Bureaucrats Call It Quits

The Environmental Protection Agency has done what few government regulators ever seem to do, shrink in size. Since April of this year an estimated 770 members of the agency have either retired, taken a buy-out or just out right quit now that there is an administration willing to rein in the agency’s regulatory overreach.


25 Comments on 770 EPA Bureaucrats Call It Quits

  1. sounds like a good start
    In 2016, the agency had 15,376 full-time employees.[1] More than half of EPA’s employees are engineers, scientists, and environmental protection specialists; other employees include legal, public affairs, financial, and information technologists. In 2017 the Trump administration proposed a 31% cut to the EPA’s budget to $5.7 billion from $8.1 billion and to eliminate a quarter of the agency jobs.[3]

  2. Actually, I believe the EPA was started under Tricky Dicky if my memory serves me right. But as usual, a good intention turns into a Governmental monster when set up in a way to run unchecked.

  3. Hahahahahahaha. I love it.

    Now do the same to Homeland Security, Department of Education, and every other bureaucratic blackhole, that sucks taxpayers dry…that would be ALL of them.

    And destroy public employee unions, while you’re at it.

  4. EPA / Dept. of Education

    Should be done by lazy states.

    Also, your passport, and federal apostille services should be done by federal departments at the STATE level, so you can get your stuff back fast. It’s clogged to the top of the pipe as it is now.

  5. The Origins of EPA | EPA History | US EPA
    https://www.epa.gov/history/origins-epaProxy Highlight
    What actually happened on December 2, 1970? A. President Nixon signed Reorganization Plan No. 3 calling for the establishment of an Environmental Protection Agency. B. The U.S. Senate confirmed William Ruckelshaus as EPA’s first Administrator. C. Administrator Ruckelshaus signed EPA Order 1110.2 creating the …

  6. The EPA was Nixon’s baby and started after he signed an executive order in 1970.
    Jimmy Carter signed into the law the Department of Energy Act in 1977. Jimmy Carter was also responsible for the Department of Education in 1979.

    If you really want to get pissed about Republicans in the past read up on how income tax came about when Republicans were playing games with the Democrats.

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