Weak 15: Ratings Crashing, Players Kneeling, and Fans Leaving Empty Seats In Stadiums Everywhere – IOTW Report

Weak 15: Ratings Crashing, Players Kneeling, and Fans Leaving Empty Seats In Stadiums Everywhere

BREITBART SPORTS /Despite the NFL’s promise to spend nearly $90 million to promote “social justice” campaigns, players are still kneeling in protest against the country during the playing of the national anthems, and along with the protests, the league’s TV ratings are still cratering.

Plus, as we’ve seen all season, fans are avoiding the NFL by refusing to attend games in person as well, leaving tens of thousands of empty seats in stadiums all across the nation.

As the Cleveland Browns took on the Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland’s FirstEnergy Stadium, empty red-backed seats called out to the cameras testifying to a dearth of fans all over the facility.

26 Comments on Weak 15: Ratings Crashing, Players Kneeling, and Fans Leaving Empty Seats In Stadiums Everywhere

  1. I caught part of the 3Q of San Fran/TN at a bar. Looked like a Scooby Doo ghost town for a one score difference game.

    TV announcers were just laughing away against a backdrop of empty seats.

  2. I remain amazed at the numbers of unpatriotic people who still attend NFL games.
    I have as much respect for them as I to the oppressed NFL social justice Kneelers.

    They should be ashamed for attending.

  3. This is what winning looks like! One more season of this and they are done. They will be heading back to the ghetto from where they came from. They will breed a bunch more ghetto rats, and start the recycling of poverty all over again. They are too stoopid and don’t deserve the gift that’s been handed to them. Winning!

  4. Would love to get a sneak peek at the NFL and the Teams real books. Proof of one half of the protest will come soon when the season tickets go on the block. If a lot of those people that hold them have realized that one or two games a year is all they need then the NFL could be done. As another writer has said if the Army backs its ads out (or severely reduces them due to much lower ratings) you’ll see a changed league.

    On another Note P Diddy (Sean Combs) is going to try to buy the Carolina Panthers and the first thing he’s going to do is hire Colin K and give him a shot at Cam Newton’s job. Hell, a more appropriate team for him to buy would be the Oakland Thugs, er Raiders.

  5. We’re a Nielsen ratings household (have the monitoring equipment on all our TVs) and I take GREAT pleasure NOT watching the NFL anymore.

    The people still attending the games are the pukes the DS warned us about in boot camp.

  6. I can kind of understand season ticket holders for either attending a few games or selling their tickets. The people who really piss me off and I have zero respect for are those who continue to watch them on television.

  7. Made a change on my TV package Saturday and they offered the NFL package for free. Told them thanks, but no. The rep said they get that response a lot.

    It’s so bad they can’t give it away.

  8. Wait till this shit starts in the tree hockey (nba) league. I can go to the zoo in central park and watch seals toss balls into hoops for free. Well, they like anchovies, so I gotta spend a few bux on those, but the seals are worth it.
    Take a look in the seats at nba games, all honkies cept courtside. Spend your fiat $ on your family, or Hockey.

  9. Tuned in to the Raider’s Cowboy’s game last night just long enough to see the crowd size. It appeared that it was close to a sell out. While it is true that the Browns, colts, 49ers, and other suck-ass teams have empty stadiums, high profile winning teams seem to be doing ok. It’s almost like fans are boycotting unless their favorite team is a contender. That’s just my observation. I may be wrong.

  10. Meanwhile, at the NBA, LeBron James is wearing his “Equality “ sneakers and saying he won’t allow one person to dictate. So, a President who does what he said he would do and who believes in America, is a dictator, but a multi millionaire, who is being paid millions to play a kids game, is allowed to dictate his views against America.

  11. @rickn8or

    Well that’s one excuse for supporting the oppressed Millionaire NFL Kneellers.

    Perhaps they’re unpatriotic, inner city, social justice warriors who actually don’t give a rats ass about the disrespect shown to the United States or those who sacrificed for these “special” racist thugs to make $Millions.

    Doesn’t matter what the excuse is. They’re just excuses that enable the kneelers.
    Enjoy the game.

  12. The Browns and the Texans in particular are dog meat teams, so it’s easy to boycott their games. But when channel surfing, I saw the Patriots vs. the Steelers – a game between two good teams – and there were a lot of empty seats there. Owners make a lot of money from concessions and parking, and lack of attendance definitely hurts the bottom line. Sure, season ticket owners have already paid for their seats, but they ain’t buying beer and food.

  13. Congratulations National Felon League! It has been
    [ 7 ] days since the last player arrest.

    Fellow kneeler, Malik McDowell of the Seattle Seahawks was arrested in Miami for disorderly conduct. His expletive-filled jailhouse rant is all over the ‘net.

    Better luck next week.

  14. @Will I laughed when I saw the score to the Seahawks game when it was like 34-0. I laughed harder when I got an alert from King5 that 12’s were seen leaving the game at halftime in droves…the horror! 🤣

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