‘It’s Very Expensive:’ Most Teachers Say Immigration Has Harmful or Mixed Impact – IOTW Report

‘It’s Very Expensive:’ Most Teachers Say Immigration Has Harmful or Mixed Impact

BIG GOVERNMENT/ Most public school teachers say mass immigration has a “mixed” or a “negative” impact on American schoolkids.

The Education Week Research Center survey reveals that 52 percent of public schoolteachers share mixed feelings about admitting more than one million legal immigrants a year into the U.S. — not including those who enter the country illegally every year — or said that immigration is generally “bad” for the education system. Only 38 percent said the impact was good. Ten percent declined to say.

Concerning Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) illegals:

“If I’m standing in line to get a cup of coffee, I don’t want people butting in line,” said Tim Erickson, a special education teacher at Detroit Lakes High School in northwestern Minnesota and a political independent. “We have rules for a reason, and people should follow them.”

Teachers who voted for President Trump in the 2016 presidential election are far more likely to agree that immigration comes with its negative impact on public schools, with 66 percent saying they have mixed views on the issue, and 20 percent saying immigration is a bad thing for schools:  MORE


8 Comments on ‘It’s Very Expensive:’ Most Teachers Say Immigration Has Harmful or Mixed Impact

  1. This is interesting because most teachers sold this country out when they endorsed 0bama. I suppose they did it just for the payback. Shame. They deserve what he gave them.


    It’s very difficult to teach kids what they need to know in ENGLISH. If you factor in students from all over the world who don’t know English, it’s not only a pain in the ass, IT’S EXPENSIVE! Who pays for the cost of E.S.L. teachers, and translators for public schools? The taxpayers do. And teachers are stuck with the added extra burden.

    If students can’t pass an English proficiency exam, it is FAR CHEAPER, to do a few options:
    *A national language English program for districts to use.
    *Students need to stay after school, weekends, holidays and take classes in lecture halls with their parents if necessary, until they catch up. The burden is on them, not taxpayers.

    But make immigrants do WORK? Puh! Good luck!

  3. “It’s good for students who have grown up in Missouri to see that there’s more beyond Missouri,” she said.

    Well, yeah, because everyone who lives in Hometown America should have the cultures of a dozen worldwide cesspools forced upon them whether they actually like it or not, right? “You WILL be diverse and you WILL like it!”

    If I want to take a sunny beach vacation and have a street urchin bug me to by his “silver” bracelets that turn green, and thrill to the sound of a foreign language all around me I can take a cheap vacation to Mexico, and I have never wanted to do that.

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