“Concrete on the tracks is just a start” – Fracking Resistance – IOTW Report

“Concrete on the tracks is just a start” – Fracking Resistance

In regards to the train crash in Washington State early this morning.

Sent in by All Too Much

Wayback Machine – April 20th, 2017

It’s Going Down-

This anonymous communique was sent to the website Puget Sound Anarchists and then reposted here. 

Early in the morning of April 20th we poured concrete on the train tracks that lead out of the Port of Olympia to block any trains from using the tracks. We took precautions to notify BNSF (the train company) – we called them and we used wires to send a signal that the tracks were blocked. We did this not to avoid damaging a train, nothing would bring bigger grins to our faces, but to avoid the risk of injuring railway workers.

This action was done to disrupt the movement of trains carrying proppants used in natural gas fracturing. These train tracks are part of a system of pipelines, fracking wells, mines, clearcuts, control centers, fiberoptics, dams, highways and factories that cover the planet and are physical manifestations of a process that is destroying the ecosystems, cultures, and inhabitants everywhere. Behind this network of infrastructure there are politicians, CEOs and bureaucrats who have private security, cops, prison guards, non-profit directors, PR consultants and the legacy of 500 years of colonization to back them up. We oppose all of these manifestations, infrastructural, personal and ideological. We blocked the train tracks because we want to blockade the entire web of domination that is slowly killing us.

We were inspired to take this action by acts of resistance taking place across turtle island and the world, particularly the fierce indigenous resistance of water protectors against the Dakota Access Pipe Line, the encampment blocking a train full of fracking material on these same tracks in Olympia this past November, and the clandestine attacks against pipelines in Florida, South Dakota and Iowa.

We also were emboldened by the spirit of all those who have risen against the white supremacist police in Furguson, Baltimore, Oakland and elsewhere, as well as by the riotous opposition that has characterized the first few months of Donald Trump’s reign.

Resistance to this many-tendriled death machine has and must take many forms. Some have set their goals narrow and try just to stop the port from shipping proppants. We are aiming beyond, for a liberation that destroys all vestiges of oppression and colonization leaving us free to experiment with ways of living in cooperation on our own terms. We want to unlearn the legacies of domination that we have inherited. We need a diverse and vibrant resistance composed of more forms of destruction, mutual aid and solidarity than we can yet imagine.

This action and actions like it are quite easy to do yourself. This only took a few hours and a little bit of planning. The hardest part was calming our nerves. Particularly easy was placing wire on the tracks to send a signal to the train company that the tracks were blocked. This action can and has been easily repeated wherever train tracks are.

Concrete on the tracks is just a start
Rest in Power James Marker!
Free Red Fawn!

-some anarchists

22 Comments on “Concrete on the tracks is just a start” – Fracking Resistance

  1. Local news is pushing that the train was going too fast on the curve. It travelled at 80 and had to slow down to 30 to make the turn…of course no mention of the local moss covered anarchists and the past and present plots against trains transporting eeeevil coal.

  2. I’ll be fine with it if it’s shown to be an antifa activity. That would make any action we would take against them a more righteous action. Up to now it would be tough to really get carried away over blocking traffic or walked around with masks on, but derailing a train and killing people raises the game a little.

  3. To be honest, I’m pretty sure that pouring concrete on train tracks wouldn’t be enough to derail a train. Anyone who’s been around trains knows that the weight of a locomotive engine would smash right through concrete, unless there was a truckload of it blocking the railway. You need to cause a break in the tracks.

  4. When I first heard about the speed I thought that it might be a possibility. Then I read that the maximum speed for the curve was 79 and that the train was doing 81. Maybe it was a typo, but if it wasn’t a typo I doubt two miles per hour is the difference between safety and disaster.

  5. OK, there was just a quick report on King5 that said the train was confirmed at 30mph as it approached the curve…then he said they will determine if speed was s factor.

    But ya just said it was traveling at the correct speed for the curve?!?


    🔥Where is that free energy? Where are all those thermal energy wells all over America? Hydrogen stations? Cheap solar panels for homes? Wind turbines?

    🔥How come we aren’t energy efficient after decades of wasting billions on the Dept. of Energy (Jimmy Carter) and all your carbon-free efforts?

    🔥Stop complaining, and either get into the research labs and invent our way out of these problems, or fund it yourself, instead of anarchy George Soros rallies.

  7. These fucks have a self-induced conviction of worldly conspiracy directed towards themselves and erroneously believe that they are the true protectors against forces that DO NOT exist.

  8. At this point ALL green energy is expensive energy and really is a last resort. A real breakthrough is what we need to put an end to this green cult and give us a future with a different form of energy, nuclear seems to be the future and what about cold fusion? is that just a more modern version of a perpetual motion machine? I don’t see coal and oil running out in the next 3 or 4 centuries so who knows what we come up with after that.

  9. @Mithrandir December 18, 2017 at 10:10 pm

    You’re asking “energy production” to solve the exact same (purely) economic problem of “rail transportation”. Proles, scaling, and kleptocracy. This time it’ll work.

  10. it was going the speed limit so speed is out. Rails are now about 500 feet long now or longer so to derail it would be quite a feat.

    Maybe they didnt a lug nut tight enough and a wheel fell off. That happened to me once.

  11. Pretty sure there are no speed limit signs along the tracks.
    Talking to an engineer years ago he said they have to memorize the speed for every section of the track there on before they’re qualified to drive the train.
    They have one job for the most part, control the speed of the train.
    So I don’t know about concrete on the tracks or whatever, I do know they’re not going to put some rookie in charge of the throttle on their maiden voyage.

  12. Vegas shooter had musloid literature in his room. Sutherland Springs shooter had Antifa on his social media that was immediately scrubbed. Antifa was training to derail trains in the exact same area as this incident.

    Coincidences are for civilians (sheople), especially when they are actively ignored by Enemedia. Soros has activated his killer tomatoes. It’s on.

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