FBI Damage Control and Justification Part II: Peter Strzok – IOTW Report

FBI Damage Control and Justification Part II: Peter Strzok

CONSERVATIVE TREEHOUSE; The previous effort at justification and damage control over the FBI counterintelligence operation to spy on presidential candidate Donald Trump was likely courtesy of FBI Asst. Director of Counterintelligence E.W. “Bill” Priestap.

The latest effort at justification comes directly from anti-Trump FBI Counterintelligence Agent Peter Strzok; claiming the ‘insurance policy’ statement was to protect candidate Donald Trump, not to defend the republic against him.

WASHINGTON DC – An FBI agent’s text message that referred to “an insurance policy” and has been cited as evidence of bias against President Trump reportedly alluded to the investigation into Russia’s election interference and any potential ties between Trump’s campaign and Moscow.

The Wall Street Journal, citing individuals familiar Peter Strzok’s message, said the agent did not mean to indicate that there was a plan to damage Trump. Strzok’s message, instead, was intended to mean that Trump could win the election, and therefore the probe “couldn’t afford to take a more measured approach,” the newspaper said.


4 Comments on FBI Damage Control and Justification Part II: Peter Strzok

  1. If you buy that crap, I understand there is a bridge for sale in Brooklyn.
    I am beginning to think a Prog will eat shit if it’s served on the china Hillary stole from the White House.

  2. To much info on this deal. So I retreat to examine DJT’s reaction. My conclusion, Mr. Trump has Bitch Mueller by the short hairs with a vice like grip. Mueller underestimated the orange guy. As they all do. Mueller use to be a Marine. I’m wondering exactly when he sold his sole and pissed on his oath. I’d like to ask him that question face to face someday.

  3. The Senate Intelligence (what a misnomer) Committee is now requesting documents from Jill Stein campaign re Russian ties.
    Gee, it almost seems as if they’re looking at everybody BUT Hillary.

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