There Are Some Appreciative Hollywood Types – IOTW Report

There Are Some Appreciative Hollywood Types

Rob Lowe invites firefighters to his house to thank them personally for saving his house.

The firefighters would have saved the house no matter who lived there, but the sentiment is heartfelt nonetheless.

(Although, Chelsea Handler’s went up in smoke.) ((Maybe they do pick and choose.. lol))

ht/ bad brad

12 Comments on There Are Some Appreciative Hollywood Types

  1. Bad Brad : I can say as a Landscaper That Conservative clients will almost always invite you int’o their Homes, and Liberals simply do not want you in their houses period !
    They need their Safe Space Safe, and you might be dirty !

  2. Plantsman

    Landscapers around here own more expensive homes than they perform their services on. What’s the name of the game? Take the money out of their bank account and put it in yours. My motto.

  3. Bad Brad : The wealthy Landscapers all seem to be up North, it’s seriously odd that they can get away with charging twice as much around Their San Fran ” Get Well ” zone. We don’t have that down south.
    It’s an ~artiste~ thing as far as I can see, Like pissing in a Jar and selling it to Liberals !

  4. Plantsman

    You need to take a hard look at inland NorCal, There’s pockets of wealth, I live in El Dorado Hills. A target rich enviorment. I have a spare room anytime you want to check it out, lots more opportunities

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