Government Trying To Convince You That Early Retirement Means You Will Die Quickly – IOTW Report

Government Trying To Convince You That Early Retirement Means You Will Die Quickly

Keep working, serfs, somebody has to pay for all of the progressive giveaways to illegals and deadbeats that raped the “lock box” full of our social security money.

These “studies” are hilarious, a child could puncture the theory in a matter of seconds:



Ummm, I may not be a big brained researcher, but could the explanation for this, if it is true, be that people who are sick, and want to eek out a little bit of life before they shed this mortal coil, RETIRE EARLY!!!!!!!


27 Comments on Government Trying To Convince You That Early Retirement Means You Will Die Quickly

  1. Anyone who believes in chain immigration that involves shipping over the grandparents of Uber drivers/wannabe Al Qaeda bombers and putting them on SSI and Medicare, when neither the codgers nor any of their family has put a goddamn dime into the system, needs a goddamn hobnail boot kick to the face.

  2. It’s a stradegy to cover up the empty, nonexistent Social Security Trust Fund. They’ve already spent the money. If they can convince enough people to keep working another 5 years, several of them will kick the bucket before they ever even apply for a single dime from SSI. Thereby covering up the size of their Bernie Madoff scam. Bernie was a small time pick pocket in comparison.

  3. Things I love about retirement; No alarm clocks. No traffic jams. No shoveling the driveway at 6 am. Eat when I want. Take breaks when I want. No jackass co-workers to put up with. No power trip bosses. No stupid company rules. Everyday is a holiday. No forced over-time. No more biting my tongue to keep a job. I can check iotw anytime and find people with like beliefs.

  4. The second I think I don’t need the income, I’m off like a prom dress! My plan is to get the house paid for, a small nest egg to cover repairs, then head over to Trader Joe’s, Costco, or Whole Foods for a low-stress, high encounter retirement job. I’ll be working for beer money and health insurance.

  5. I live in Canada and am retired at 65 – thankfully, the gov’t corrected CAnada pension plan back in the early 90’s. I work part-time for a temp agency to get out of the house, dressed up and wear make-up. Come summer, I am doing construction or landscape projects around the house. Love being retired!

  6. Males on both of my family lines died early between the ages of 49 and 53 while working.
    I retired early, 16 years ago at 51.
    I attribute my longevity to retiring early.
    Hindsight; If I had known I would have lived this long I would have taken better care of myself.
    Retirement is great, doesn’t pay that well, but everyday is Saturday, except Sunday.

  7. I crunched the numbers and the payoff for working longer for more SSI money doesn’t start until I’m 76….My Grandpas died at 42 and 77 years of age….my Grandmas died at 68 and 97 years of age….My Mom died at 48 and my Dad at 78….the numbers tell me I should take the money early and I did. It’s a poor mans retirement with severe budgeting in effect, but I’ve completely quit thinking about harming my bosses…LOL…

  8. I like my work. I don’t like bosses, bankers, and deadlines. I got rid of the first; when I can get rid of second, I’ll be done with the third. And then I’ll work happily ever after. More happily if I get some of my social security payments back.

  9. As long as someone is willing to pay me for what I do I will do it till I die. Love my work.

    Wife has provided insurance through a gubment job that she hates. She will retire the day she can and start traveling with me

  10. Send flowers, my 10 year jobless anniversary is rapidly approaching. Send additional flowers for my coffin soon to follow. Thanks from my family in advance.

    eeeeek!! nooo! scratch that. GoFundME. My family needs a million before my death in a couple months. This is more appropriate to ask for, yes? Or are we onto bitcoin?

  11. “Arbeit Macht Frei”

    “Retirement Macht Die”

    We were born to work … also to die.
    So, fuck it – if you enjoy working – don’t retire. If you don’t enjoy working – become a Demonrat Plantation Rat.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Ah, I’ve been on the ” a non a moose ” plan for five years. Only I’ll add I sleep when I want. Up late sleep late or hit the rack early get up early. I’m no longer sleep deprived.

    Recently I’ve been recruited to return doing the same kind of work I did for over thirty years, but for an independent company, not a large corporation with their Dilbert BS. The pay offered is tempting, flexible work schedule – work when I want , off when I want. And the promise there is almost none of the pita stuff that existed at the big company the last years I worked there.

    What they’re after is the work experience. They’ve run out of experienced guys to hire away from the big companies and are having to hire young guys just out of school. It’s more to be a mentor to the young guys they’re now hiring. They’re a whizz at using laptops, but haven’t a clue about how to read schematics, or use test equipment to find & fix problems that aren’t found with test software. Seems they don’t teach that stuff anymore.

    So it’s a dilemma. I’m content being on the everyday is a vacation day plan. Otoh, it might be a fun challenge, and extra income to quickly pay off the new kitchen cabinets & appliances my wife has scheduled to be installed in Jan. and set aside some extra cash for a new vehicle. Would be nice. Hmmm, kick back on a limited budget or return to working part time with old friends, exchanging some freedom for extra income & having to again make my schedule match someone else’s schedule. What to do?

  13. Worked 39 years at the same place, but with medical bills, my retirement plus SS will only cover either my wife or me, not both, unless we want to eat dog food and heat with candles. If I retired, I’d have to immediately get another job to pay for insurance, and for sure nobody’d pay me what I make now, so why retire?

    With my luck, they’ll carry me out of the job in a body bag. With her luck, she’ll croak at my funeral. With the kids’ luck, they’ll get run over by the hearses before they collect the insurance.

    Would’ve had plenty if BANKS PAID ANY GOD DAMNED INTEREST FOR THE LAST 15 YEARS. Remember when savings accounts earned more than 4% interest? #)@*$& politicians and bankers.

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