When Yes means No during “business time” – IOTW Report

When Yes means No during “business time”

My Christmas wish is that iOTWreport would attain the reach that certain sites enjoy that I think blow opportunities when they write their hot take on the issues of the day.

I already slammed a particular site earlier when they used the ridiculous term “Islamic extremism,” so I will lay off going after them again, and not name them.

The article was about the 3rd wave feminists resurrecting an old Andrea Dworkin assertion that “yes, can also mean no during sex.”

The article fisks a Jennifer Bennett New York Times essay, When Saying ‘Yes’ Is Easier Than ‘No, and completely misses a very obvious point that would completely kneecap the man- bashing tome.

Why would a conservative writer allow a feminist writer to keep the “yes can also mean no” mantra confined to the man versus woman playing field?

Wouldn’t this theory of theirs apply to lesbians, as well? How many lesbians have been raped by other lesbians when “yes” really meant “no”?

Isn’t it time to educate lesbians and deconstruct the lesbian culture that sometimes forces a lesbian to say yes because that is what is expected, especially with some of these toxic masculine aggressive lesbians?

Smash the Bull Dikarchy!

And what about gay men? How many have said yes after being toe tapped in the public bathroom when they actually didn’t want to shove their junk through the glory hole? It’s time to reexamine these cultural norms within the gay universe, and teach men that sometimes yes means no, and they can very well be participating in a rape.

3rd wave feminism cannot be serious if they think that only heterosexual men are getting the green light for sex when in reality women are saying no, could they?

I say universities add to their curriculum some classes that teach all about how gays and lesbians have rapists in their communities, rapists that need to be reeducated.



And this is when you just point and laugh at them and tell them to STFU because they are not interested in preventing rapes, they are about humiliating and degrading and hamstringing men, particularly straight white men.

Be gone.



14 Comments on When Yes means No during “business time”

  1. “Wouldn’t this theory of theirs apply to lesbians, as well?”

    A great Lesbian pick up line after being told her intended victim is straight. “So is spaghetti until it gets wet”.

    Yes it’s true. I’m a lesbian.

  2. “My Christmas wish is that iOTWreport would attain the reach that certain sites enjoy that I think SUCK”

    I’m still thinking IG is the tool to expand. Because that’s YOUR market.

  3. What the heck Moe, the only lady in my office is my wife, and when she says “no” that’s the last word on that. Plus, she has been taking a couple self defense classes and I damn sure don’t want her doing any of her homework on me. But I appreciate your recognition of me being able to address stupid problems. I think that’s a compliment.

  4. Oh, for fuck’s sake!
    “Yes” means yes.
    “No” means no.
    For dykes, fags, men, women – whoever speaks Engrish.

    If you can’t keep your knickers up – SHAME ON YOU!


    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Workplace sex is like pooping where you eat.

    Hitting on coworkers was always lazy.
    Now it’s suicidal.

    These guys need to get out more.

    Of course, sex robots will soon resolve all this.

  6. “If you drop your pants (or panties) and bend over the table – somebody’s gonna fuck you.”

    Sort of a philosophy of life – imparted to me by one much wiser.

    izlamo delenda est …

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