Hilarious: Watch Chuck Schumer complain nobody paying attention to his anti-tax reform rant on Senate floor – IOTW Report

Hilarious: Watch Chuck Schumer complain nobody paying attention to his anti-tax reform rant on Senate floor

American Thinker: I must confess that I find New York’s senior senator, Chuck Schumer, annoying at best to listen to.  He finds it difficult to speak without a tone of condescension in his voice and characteristically assumes a stance of moral, as well as intellectual, superiority to those who dare to disagree.  In other words, a singularly repellant man, whose election and re-election by the voters of New York State remain a mystery to me.  Who could stand to vote for such an obnoxious man?  Evidently, New Yorkers see his behavior as normal and acceptable.

But yesterday, on the Senate floor, we saw evidence that his colleagues among the Solons share at least some of my aversion to listening to Schumer being his snide and obnoxious self.  His anti-tax reform bill rant last night was so crushingly ignored that he complained multiple times that nobody was listening to him.  watch

18 Comments on Hilarious: Watch Chuck Schumer complain nobody paying attention to his anti-tax reform rant on Senate floor

  1. Jeez Chuck did you listen up when we thought YOU were messing up America when your party pushed ObamaCare through in the wee hours of the night? Using every trick in the book to get it passed? Then celebrating and mocking us to our faces?! We didn’t think, WE KNEW you were messing up America.
    Seeing these guys whining knowing they can’t stop the reversal of the ObamaCare mandate is the best Xmas gift I could get. Second is seeing them cry about their rich pals losing their SALT and second home mortgage interest deductions.

  2. I used to think that the powerbase for the Dems in New York State was in the urban areas (New York City, Buffalo and the like) while the majority of the state went Republican but that’s not true anymore. I found electoral maps that show Schumer winning almost all the NYS counties with 70% of the voters.
    I’ll paste the link hear but note it’s from Politico and while they can’t change the numbers there will likely be lefty commentary on some of the maps. It;s a damn shame the taint of the Dems seems to have infected most of the state and it’s a damn shame the GOP can’t seem to come up with winning candidates.


  3. Well here’s a clue for ya Chuckie, your an obstructionist with no agenda and a piss poor leader who doesn’t deserve to be a senator. All you have done is run for the nearest microphone and demean every issue placed on the table, unless it’s a democrat idea. We are tired of that. Start being the adult at the table and discussing the issues instead of being the child kicking and screaming in the cereal aisle because mom won’t buy the premium brand.

  4. The difference between listening to (most) R Congressmen/women and ALL D Congressmen/women is incredibly stark. I can’t listen to any D without regretting it. And Schumer is the worst of the worst. He’s oily, he’s vicious, and he’s stupid. He does not understand basic economics at all. And that’s who we’ve got in our hallowed halls of Congress. Shameful.

  5. I would imagine New York is similar to California in that there is evolving two types of people. One group is those dependent on government largesse – government workers, teachers, government vendors and contractors, and benefit recipients. These people vote Democrat because it fills their rice bowls.

    The second group are all those who think they can run your life better than you can. And if you ignore their insane demands for equality of outcome (except for them – progressives are more equal), aberrant lifestyle tolerance, focus on status and trying to obtain wealth even if it means cheating or criminal behavior, and possible drug and alcohol abuse, they may have a point.

    Chuckie fits both categories. But most people really don’t care what he thinks, and fewer are willing to listen to the same elitist rant over and over.

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