Indonesian police warn Islamists against raids in search of Santa hats – IOTW Report

Indonesian police warn Islamists against raids in search of Santa hats

Reuters- The hardline Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) said this week it would conduct “sweeping operations” in the world’s biggest Muslim-majority country, and that forcing Muslims to wear Christmas attire was a violation of their human rights.

[…] Christmas is widely celebrated across Indonesia and holiday decorations are ubiquitous, especially at shops, restaurants and malls where many enthusiastic workers – even Muslims – don Santa hats or elf costumes.

The FPI built its reputation with raids on restaurants and bars serving alcohol during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.

In recent years, it has turned its attention to Christian celebrations.

The group has also said it wants the Jakarta city government to stop sponsoring New Year celebrations, which attract many thousands of people.

About 90,000 police officers will be on duty cross the country during the end-of-year holidays, in an operation largely aimed at preventing militant attacks.  read more


6 Comments on Indonesian police warn Islamists against raids in search of Santa hats

  1. It is my understanding that Santa has shied away from Indonesia for the past 25 years because of radical Islamic attacks. In the mid-90’s, there was an incident in which 2 elves, both of whom had flown in to repair Santa’s sleigh after it hit a palm tree on decent, were beheaded by a local militant group. And of course, there was the gang rape indecent with the reindeer.(Their names have been disclosed but rumors are Prancer, Dancer and Vixen.)

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