Choir Master Asks Singers To Eat a Ghost Pepper and Resume Singing Christmas Carol – IOTW Report

Choir Master Asks Singers To Eat a Ghost Pepper and Resume Singing Christmas Carol

Why? What was the purpose?

I dunno. Because the guy has a demented streak?

He had this goofy notion in his head and had to follow through on it?

I recently had a bag of Ghost Pepper Doritos.

I threw them out. The garbage set fire.

ht/ petrus

32 Comments on Choir Master Asks Singers To Eat a Ghost Pepper and Resume Singing Christmas Carol

  1. @BFH. I recently bought a Frito Lay product that I didn’t like at all. I wrote to them on their website about my displeasure. They, in turn, sent me $7 in free coupons for any of their products.

  2. It is a surefire to get everyone to start praying to God and to test their ability to forgive.

    I love the hot stuff. Almost as much as I enjoy the freedom to make your own informed choices and live with the consequences.

  3. He did it for publicity, he did it for his 5 minutes of fame.

    He did it to get lots of people to look at the vised.

    He did it so he could feel like a celebrity.

    He did it because he didn’t have a small animal there to torture.

    He did it to see how far he could push the kids. His next trick will be indecent.

    I hate him.

  4. I’d like to peel one of those peppers (yes, I know exactly what those things are) and shove it up his ass.

    Then staple his sphincter shut.

    Then he can make another video. The one where he services his colostomy bag after the pepper destroyed his colon.

  5. I ate half a regular bag in about 4 days. I quit. It wasn’t so much the heat in my mouth (bread takes care of that) but the built up chips in the intestines that gave me nausea for an entire day. I was afraid to pee. 😀

  6. One presumes he had them do this once before the video else he ran a risk of having kid seriously injure himself on camera. What a stupid, stupid thing to do. Having said that I’ll bet all the parents signed consent forms for it.

  7. That guy needs to have his ass kicked everyday until he convincingly apologizes to every kid and their parents. I would accept his apology for a least a week. Ghost Pepper sauce is pretty tasty but Habenero has a better flavor. I use both sparingly.

  8. You pussies! Eating a ghost pepper to bring awareness to your choir! Hell, it’s even on IOTW Report!

    No lasting damage, looks more like something one would do for initiation for pete’s sake. I’ll be even the little ones in the choir are sending this vid around to the grandparents!

    The stories they will now be able to tell. It’s much better than “Well, I shoveled shit in Louisiana”.
    (a Patton quote for you not familiar with manly things)

  9. manly man, it’s one thing for kids or their peers to challenge one another to eating a ghost pepper, it’s another thing entirely for someone in an authority position to tell them to.

  10. My people came from a part of the world that has snow on the ground year ’round. What’s a ghost pepper? Sounds hideous.

    @PHenry — I’ve written a couple of times about letting mfgs know when you’re not happy with their product. See, it works! 🙂 They spend a lot of time/money building/retaining brand loyalty.

  11. I eat some really hot stuff, and I wouldn’t eat a ghost pepper. I had some hot wings made with them, and they were the hottest things I’ve ever eaten. The people I was with who ate some of the wings all got sick.

  12. It is possible to faint eating a hot pepper. I saw a reporter faint in LA back in the 90s at some hottest chile festival. He was out cold for about 10 seconds. Then he stood up and was like, “WHooooooo!!!! WOW!” Apparently, there can be a sensory overload that can knock your ass out, according to his follow-up on the story. LOL.

  13. Chili Klaus is rather famous and the children all agreed (with parents) to participate. No one was forced and it was all in good fun. He’s done the same with and orchestra and famous people. He’s a star in his hometown and they all wanted to be a part of it. Child Abuse? Really?? Try looking at Hollywood for that.

  14. I think it’s fake.
    Willygoatgruff link tells tells the tale – “The ghost pepper is nonexistent in local supermarket chains. It’s way too hot for the general public. ”
    If it’s not fake & the adults weren’t charged & punished for child abuse. A set of parents or someone should make two things happen. The adults would never smile again with their own teeth & they should experience the joys of a ghost pepper enema. That would include the parents if they agreed to it.

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