You’d Think Bela Pelosi Would Know the Story of Frankenstein – IOTW Report

You’d Think Bela Pelosi Would Know the Story of Frankenstein

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She calls The Monster “Frankenstein.”

“And in the end {he} comes back to destroy.”

No, in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein runs away from his creation. In her own words, Pelosi says the GOP are celebrating their creation.

In Mary Shelley’s novel the real monsters are the people who never gave the creation a chance, based on its appearance. They immediately assumed it was evil because of how it looked.

The blind man was the only character to befriend “the monster” because he didn’t have any built-in bias.

7 Comments on You’d Think Bela Pelosi Would Know the Story of Frankenstein

  1. Man, I can’t stand listening to her incoherent rants. She’s an absolute shame and embarrassment to the U.S. But I’m so grateful she’s with them — a bigger bunch of misfits and weirdos you’ll never find in one place outside of a The People of Walmart.

  2. Libs just can’t tell the truth, no matter what. They stumble all over the truth, as they tell their lies.

    Watching the meltdowns of the libs over the tax bill is almost as satisfactory as having more money in our pockets! I love it. Their faces swell, eyes bug out, hands and arms flap, and they stumble and mumble over the lies pouring from their mouths. Going, going, gone.

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