Is this guy a rotten shot, or what? – IOTW Report

Is this guy a rotten shot, or what?

…or the best ever?

ht/ moe tom

12 Comments on Is this guy a rotten shot, or what?

  1. Back in the old days the Capitol Police had a pistol range (since changed into a auto repair/misc. place) in the G-1 level of the Rayburn Garage, and the guy in charge of it was Capt. Samuels. John and I were working on the sewer ejector (the G-1 level is below the sewage line) and John bet me a dollar that Capt. Samuels could shoot a 3×5 index card in half – horizontally – at 25 yds.!

    I was about 20 at the time and said “yeah, I’ll take your money – that’s movie shit.”

    Capt. Sam taped the card onto the target hanger, sent it down range, squatted into what I guess is a crouch position, fired his service revolver and the card’s two pieces drifted to the floor. I was stunned. Capt. Sam had kind of a Fred Mertz look about him – and was a really, genuinely nice guy.

    I paid my dollar (I was only making $2.11/hr at the time) shaking my head.

    izlamo delenda est …

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