Constitutionally illiterate group has their emoluments suit against Trump thrown out – IOTW Report

Constitutionally illiterate group has their emoluments suit against Trump thrown out

There is nothing in the constitution that prevents a president from doing business in foreign nations. This suit is idiotic. It’s meant to prevent bribery. Paying the going rate for a room in a Trump hotel in Hong Kong is not a bribe or a gift, idiots.

Trump is going to give up the nuclear codes because Sum Nor Malgai rents a luxury suite and drinks a few overpriced bottles of sake from the honor bar.


Restaurant workers, a hotel event booker, and a watchdog group who say President Trump has business conflicts that violate the Constitution cannot sue him, a New York judge ruled Thursday. US District Judge George Daniels said it was too soon for the lawsuit to be considered by the courts, particularly because Congress had not considered the issue, the AP reports. The lawsuit earlier this year alleged that Trump’s “vast, complicated, and secret” business interests were creating conflicts of interest. It claimed the business ties violated the Constitution’s “emoluments” ban against taking foreign gifts and money without Congress’ permission, including for hotel stays or office leases.

Trump had called the lawsuit “totally without merit” while aides to the Republican president dismissed it as politically motivated. Justice Department lawyers had argued that the plaintiffs did not suffer in any way and had no standing to sue, and that it is unconstitutional to sue the president in his official capacity. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington originally brought the lawsuit. “While today’s ruling is a setback, we will not walk away from this serious and ongoing constitutional violation,” said Noah Bookbinder, executive director of CREW. “The Constitution is explicit on these issues, and the president is clearly in violation. Our legal team is weighing its options and will soon lay out our decisions on how to proceed.”

3 Comments on Constitutionally illiterate group has their emoluments suit against Trump thrown out

  1. Hillary had no plans of shutting down the Clinton Foundation or the Clinton Global Initiative if she won. You want to take about personal enrichment, from the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion to the White House to the State Department, the Clintons have been lining their pockets the whole time.
    Eric Trump said it best when he asked(paraphrasing here),”What were they selling to make a quarter billion dollars in the past 16 years?”

  2. A group of leftists lawyers just smart enough to cause a huge waste of courtroom time. Why can’t these idiots be fined and or sanctioned for these frivolous actions.

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