Eric “I Can’t Breathe” Garner’s Daughter, 27, Has Heart Attack – IOTW Report

Eric “I Can’t Breathe” Garner’s Daughter, 27, Has Heart Attack

She had an asthma attack, which triggered the heart attack.

Now she’s in a coma and, ironically (and I’m not trying to be an ass), cannot breathe on her own.

This family has had their share of bad health.


The oldest daughter of Eric Garner — who has become an advocate against police brutality since her dad’s death — suffered a heart attack Saturday night and was in critical condition on Christmas Eve, family members told the Daily News.

Erica Garner, whose father died in 2014 when NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo placed him in a chokehold on Staten Island, was on life support in ICU in a Brooklyn hospital, the family said.

The 27-year-old mother of two is unable to breathe on her own, family said.

Esaw Snipes-Garner, Erica’s mother, told The News her daughter’s condition was grave but the family hadn’t given up hope.

“(She) is still with us. She’s fighting,” the mom said.

Snipes-Garner said her daughter’s cardiac arrest was brought on by an asthma attack Saturday night.

Erica, already the mom of an 8-year-old daughter, gave birth to a boy in August, Snipes-Garner said.


13 Comments on Eric “I Can’t Breathe” Garner’s Daughter, 27, Has Heart Attack

  1. I liked her when she tweeted this to Hillary-

    officialERICA GARNER

    I’m troubled by the revelation that you and this campaign actually discussed “using” Eric Garner … Why would you want to “use” my dad?

    10:01 AM – Oct 27, 2016

    ~~~~~~ She also came out and said her father’s death was not a race issue.
    It was an excessive force issue by a little cop taking on a big man.

    Smart girl.

  2. I went looking for what Wise Twitter is saying and the majority is asking Bernie to help her with the Hospital bills, etc. Let’s see if that will happen …

    May she get well soon.

    Pardon my ignorance, but what kind of work is she doing now? Her Twitter account says it has been updated by “one of her workers”. I didn’t click on the links they have, I just wonder what is her line of work. I can’t understand ideas that activists are workers.

  3. I’m usually intrigued at what a story does *not* tell us. The authors of this article think it is very important for us to know not only that Erica is the mother of two children, but also the age of each child. Not one damn mention of their fathers or where the hell either of them have been. Now they woin’t have either parent. Gosh. I hope they turn out to be fine pillars of society just like their grandfather!

  4. @Immortal Fish December 25, 2017 at 11:30 am

    > I hope they turn out to be fine pillars of society just like their grandfather!

    It’s Christmas Day. And we can say that, again. Which means we’ve lost the ability to respond appropriately to your post.

  5. Her father was killed for selling untaxed cigarettes. Extrajudicial killing by police is not a white vs. black issue. It is a blue vs. the rest of us issue. This is what happens when scared little men strap on badges and guns and are told their lives are more valuable than ours.

  6. She had already had one heart attack a few months ago. Pregnancy had put a strain on her (previously undiagnosed) enlarged heart. Their family health history is terrible. Here’s hoping her kiddos don’t lose their mother.

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