Pennsylvania woman gets $284 billion electric bill – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania woman gets $284 billion electric bill


“We had put up Christmas lights and I wondered if we had put them up wrong,” she said.

“My eyes just about popped out of my head,” she told the paper.

Turned out, the Horomanski household didn’t run up an electric bill greater than the GDP of most states.

Mark Durbin, a spokesman for Penelec, said a decimal point was probably put in the wrong place. “I can’t recall ever seeing a bill for billions of dollars,” Durbin said. “We appreciate the customer’s willingness to reach out to us about the mistake.”


17 Comments on Pennsylvania woman gets $284 billion electric bill

  1. COME ON!

    EVERY YEAR someone gets a million $ electric or cell phone bill!

    Guess what? Microsoft Excel can FLAG such huge numbers easily. It’s called CONDITIONAL FORMATTING!

    For Pete’s sake, you’d think these companies would have put measures in place AFTER THE FIRST CUSTOMER experienced this. Learn people…..learn.

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