Has Feminonsense Reached Peak Idiocy Yet? – IOTW Report

Has Feminonsense Reached Peak Idiocy Yet?

A CNN bint named Mary Costello cannot watch It’s a Wonderful Life anymore because Donna Reed’s character becomes an unmarried spinster librarian because George Bailey never existed.

According to Costello this is implausible, ridiculous, insulting and sexist, and the movie should be shunned.

She also agrees that the song “Baby It’s Cold Outside” details a date rape.

Man: Put some records on while I pour
Gal: The neighbors might think
Man: Baby, it’s bad out there
Gal: Say what’s in this drink?
Man: No cabs to be had out there
She wraps up the article by crowing that the new Ocean’s 11, with an all-female cast, is kick ass and is the ultimate example of women empowered.
I don’t know if that’s true, I haven’t seen it. I do know that it’s simply riding on the coattails of men. It’s got built-in name recognition because it was made two other times by men. Why didn’t they write a new film with an ensemble cast from the ground up?
But let’s stop defending ourselves, men.
Time to go on the offensive.
One Way Or Another – Blondie.
I want this record off the radio. It’s lyrics tell the story of a stalker who can’t take no for an answer.
One way or another I’m gonna find ya
I’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha
One way or another I’m gonna win ya
I’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha
One way or another I’m gonna see ya
I’m gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetcha
One day, maybe next week
I’m gonna meetcha, I’m gonna meetcha, I’ll meetcha
I will drive past your house
And if the lights are all down
I’ll see who’s around

One way or another I’m gonna find ya
I’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha
One way or another I’m gonna win ya
I’ll getcha, I’ll getcha
One way or another I’m gonna see ya
I’m gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetcha
One day, maybe next week
I’m gonna meetcha, I’ll meetcha

Joan Jett is how old now? 60?
She shouldn’t be singing this song-
I saw him dancin’ there by the record machine
I knew he must a been about seventeen
The beat was goin’ strong
Playin’ my favorite song
An’ I could tell it wouldn’t be long
Till he was with me, yeah me,
An’ I could tell it wouldn’t be long
Till he was with me, yeah me, singin
I love rock n’ roll
So put another dime in the jukebox, baby
I love rock n’ roll
So come an’ take your time an’ dance with me
We could do many more, but why? What would this prove? I don’t really want to prevent a woman from singing about stalking a guy. It’s a story.  Stories are about everything. If you can write about murder, why can’t you write about stalking? And why can’t you write a song about a guy trying to “get some” by pointing out that it’s cold outside?
Who is this person that is going to decree what can and can’t be written about?
And women can rewrite movies that were previously about men and install themselves in the roles. I don’t care. I don’t care if women think that acting with a bit more toxic masculinity gets them closer to achieving feminism. Women will have finally arrived at fully realized feminism when they become indistinguishable from men. Right?
The ideal feminist woman is… Mike Rowe, I guess.
This is madness.
ht/ Christian PDX

32 Comments on Has Feminonsense Reached Peak Idiocy Yet?

  1. Mary needs a couple of years stranded on an uncharted desert island.

    Mary’s last name is masculine in Spanish. There’s the root cause of the bug up her ass right there.

    Mary’s last name is Irish.

  2. Attacking culture. Our culture.
    Same people who attack statues that have stood unnoticed for a century.

    This is not just idle stupidity passing off as insane foolishness.
    Some jr. high student reads this sort of drivel and says to itself “yuh … never thought of it that way …” and then spends the rest of its life pursuing chimeras and hypocrisy. It never occurs to them (Ms. Costello or the jr. high student) that the civilization (or culture) which gave birth to “It’s a Wonderful Life” is the same as that which permits their criticism.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Costello – “The song was written in 1944, when women were expected to, as billionaire Foster Friess “joked” in 2012, put aspirin “between their knees” for birth control. I try to keep an open mind, but yuck!“

    No, the song was written in 1944 when women didn’t f—— a rock pile if they thought there was a snake in it.

  4. I would like to believe that feminonsense has reached its peak idiocy but I’m sure there’s another lunatic looking for her fiftee minutes of ridiculousness.

    They won’t be finished until we can only read and see approved material!

  5. She doesn’t get it, seems that comprehension is lost on all these “intellectuals”.
    Someone should explain the concept of “Capraeque” to her.

    Wonder what she thinks of “It happened one night”?

  6. Songs that have to be blacklisted… because of feminsanity.
    In some radio markets the Beatles song, Run For Your Life, is not to ever be heard. It glorifies violence against womyn!

  7. Mz. Feminasty Costello is jealous. She will never have a man who cherishes her as a lover, partner and friend, which George and Mary Bailey understood. That’s why the final straw, not having Mary in his life, brought George to his senses. A scenario which only could happen between a man and woman bound in a successful, committed, loving marriage. Today most people won’t experience such a blessing and it’s a shame.
    The bedrock of successful communities are healthy heterosexual marriages and the families they produce and raise. Socialists like Mz. Costello are doing their best to destroy moral and social foundations that make America great.

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