Meet Redneck Revolt, the radical leftist group arming working-class people so they can defend minorities – IOTW Report

Meet Redneck Revolt, the radical leftist group arming working-class people so they can defend minorities

The Independent spent the day on Long Island with members of the armed leftist group.

The Independent-

Redneck Revolt is a national activist organisation that advocates for the downfall of capitalism through the elimination of racism. Its founders believe strongly that working-class liberation can only occur when workers unite, regardless of race. So in 38 different locations around the country, Redneck Revolt mobilises poor, rural white people to stand up for people of colour.

And yes, they carry guns.

Indeed, Redneck Revolt may look like many other social-justice groups – its website contains frequent mentions of “trigger warnings” and “solidarity” – but it is far from it. The members of Redneck Revolt don’t want you to sit in a circle, hold hands, and sing Kumbaya. They want you to know you have an enemy – it’s just not who you think it is.

In an open letter that the group frequently uses for recruitment, it urges working-class white people to “look around” and wonder: “Who lives in the houses or trailers in the same neighbourhoods as us? Who works next to us in the factories, or cooks alongside us at the restaurants?”

“It sure as hell isn’t rich white people,” the letter continues. “It’s Brown people, Black people, and other working-class white people. They are the ones that are in similar situations to us, living paycheck to paycheck, stretching to feed their families like we do. So why then would we view them as so different from us that we literally view them as our enemies?”

Leftists admitting they view black and brown people as their ENEMY.
How quaint.
Also, the revolution periodically pauses until allowance day, or they help clean out the garage, and then they can buy more bullets.

36 Comments on Meet Redneck Revolt, the radical leftist group arming working-class people so they can defend minorities

  1. Well, if the idiots stayed awake during the Reconstruction period of their history classes they may have learned that the NRA came into being to help freed slaves to understand they have a right to bear arms.

    But then again, I went to public school before the brainwashing was implemented.

  2. I don’t think they are thinking this through long term. Millennials don’t want to work. Period.
    So if no one works there are no taxes collected no taxes no government handouts.
    Taking money from the rich won’t last forever.

  3. They are trying to set up Civil warfare, by literally putting the gun in the hands of uneducated white people and telling them it’s okay to kill for a Black Person.
    So damn twisted !

  4. Hey white bum here have a free Gun on us, you only have one condition to this gift.
    See Jamaynard over by the liquor store, if you see the Pig’s slow down when he’s pushin dope ” Shoot the Pig’s “.
    That should help Jails lock up a more representative number of White’s !

  5. I’m not seeing much here that I need to worry about. Especially from the weird Che loving dude with his hokey Velcro patches. And that bench rest shooter with the elbow hanging off the edge of the table?

    Yep. I’m not skeered at all.

  6. Beyond combat military service, the so many hours at my home range to even think about the hours spent, Local IDPA competition, 1500 hours of professional training at a professional range with Navy Seal range officers and trainers; handguns, carbines, shotguns, sniper rifles, clearing homes in shoot houses, jungle walks with pop-up targets and edged weapons.

    I will place my Unconscious competency against their unconscious incompetency or conscious competency anytime.

    I would appreciate it if they’re gonna do anything, do it soon, I’m getting to the age that I won’t be able to hunt you down. Due to declining eyesight please give me a courtesy call when you are approximately 750 yards out. Much appreciated.

  7. Living in poverty…… AK-47 (check), ammo (check), transportation (check), FaceBook (check)……. WTF does “poverty” mean???

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  8. And this, especially the “corrective” comments, is why the communalists will always win. Always.

    Losing is just who conservatives are. Sometimes the bowties are straightened and the losers around are told “We win by losing.” But losing is the intent. Always. WINNING!

  9. This is so totally misleading and this yankee redneck is insulted by just the thought that some limp dicked snowflake has to put a gun in my hands when I already have and carry my own.

    I know full well who my enemies are and how to protect myself and my loved ones against all comers so I do not need some pantywaist to preach to me…. if I want to listen to some preachin I will go to a Christian church and sit for a sermon or two, otherwise you best be keepin off my land.

    My one concession to the new snowflake generation is pictograph KEEP OUT signs so that even high skool grads can understand to stay the hell out!

  10. this is hilarious on so many levels …. can’t make this stuff up

    “With some of the people,” George said, “a light will go off.”
    with George the light went off a looooooooong time ago

    “I don’t think you have to have much skill to work at the shooting range,”
    lmao … can’t wait for the ‘accident rate’ to start hitting the local emergency rooms

    ” The group decided it was time to edit their mission statement.”
    bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaa!!!!

    … & I won’t even comment on choice of ‘accurate & reliable’ weapons displayed

  11. more grist ….
    “we read Che [Guevara] and stuff like that”
    um, you do realize that Guevara was a rascist murderer of blacks … don’t you?

    “If it wasn’t for my in-laws, I’d be homeless.”
    translation: even Mom got tired of it & threw him out of the basement

    “The Suffolk County branch group meets up for weekly sessions at the range, the name of which they asked to be kept secret.”
    which, I’m sure, anyone w/ 20 minutes spare time & a Fakebook account could find … let alone the FBI, NSA, etc.
    what a bunch of doofuses

  12. Redneck Revolt, there are no rednecks.
    Social Justice Warriors, there are no warriors and damn sure no justice.
    Progressives, same old tired, unworkable socialism, nothing progressive about it.
    Common Core, nothing common about it.
    Dreamers, more like demanders.
    They need a new thesaurus.

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