Feminist Profs: selfies perpetuate classic ‘gender roles’ – IOTW Report

Feminist Profs: selfies perpetuate classic ‘gender roles’

Yeah, because no men take selfies that look both masculine and feminine. And no women take selfies that look masculine.
I feel gay typing “selfie.”
I think selfies perpetuate classic idiot roles.
To wit-
“A group of feminist professors recently discovered that Instagram selfies taken by women in college can reinforce ‘traditional gender roles.’ ”
In a study led by Mardi Schmeichel, a University of Georgia (UGA) professor specializing in “feminist theory,” a team of professors analyzed 233 selfies that were posted in 2013 within 24 hours of the first UGA football home game of the semester…
“The celebration of traditional femininity has been is [sic] a vexing concern for some feminists, who have interpreted it as a rolling back of hard-won progress to eliminate women’s association with these rigidly gendered and often marginalized subject positions.”
“If we are committed to destabilizing gender binaries and working toward a world in which bodies, and images of them, are not traded as capital, then there must be some attention paid to ways in which women’s [Instagram] practices and behaviors can get in the way of these goals,” Schmeichel concludes.
h/t here’s looking at you

20 Comments on Feminist Profs: selfies perpetuate classic ‘gender roles’

  1. ““A group of feminist professors recently discovered that Instagram selfies taken by women in college can reinforce ‘traditional gender roles.’ ”

    Ya see the problem with these peoples thinking is women will for the most part always want the dick, and men will always want the, well you know. It’s called HUMAN NATURE. And all the kicking and screaming by mentally disturbed individuals will not change human nature. But have fun trying mutants.

  2. Feminists are only against attractiveness. They hate selfies by attractive people. Attractive privilege will be the next thing. Harrison Bergeron will be a reality someday. Look up that name if youre not familiar with it.

  3. Huh, women like to look pretty and men like to look at pretty ladies? And vice versa? Who knew? Next you’ll tell me that ugly women are jealous of this facet of normal human interaction and try to denormalize it because noone wants to bang them…

  4. Throughout my adult life I have found that the only people constantly and stridently telling me how I should live my life are the feminazis; it’s never men demanding I live a certain way. The shrieking harridans want me to hate men. And they probably hate women like me who refuse to listen to their screeching.

  5. I have only taken one “selfie” in my life. I was turkey hunting and I wanted to make sure my camo face mask was properly covering my skin and not exposing my “whiteness”. Even though I was in full camo and resting a shotgun on my lap the pose still looked “gay”. I deleted it immediately. I will never take a picture of myself again.



    “mommies? are we voting again?”

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