MSM not interested in Somali stabbing woman repeatedly for no reason – IOTW Report

MSM not interested in Somali stabbing woman repeatedly for no reason

WND- Morgan Evenson was walking home in downtown Minneapolis on the evening of Dec. 13 when a black man got out of his car, chased her down, tackled her and repeatedly thrust a 3-4-inch blade into her flailing body.

The 26-year-old computer-store clerk frantically fought back, kicking, scratching and screaming for help.

At some point, neighbors heard her screams and came to her aid. Her attacker – described as a Somali man in his early 20s, about 5-foot-7 with a slight build and wearing grey stone-washed jeans – fled.

Evenson was left bleeding on the curb with 14 stab wounds on her arms, neck and back. Her kidney was lacerated. She was lucky to survive.

It happened while she was walking home from the Apple Store, where she worked, about eight blocks away from her apartment. That’s when the man attacked her for no apparent reason. Police, who have not made any arrests in the case, are calling it a botched robbery.

Evenson told KSTP she struggled with her attacker at the corner of 32nd Street and Fremont Avenue and she considers herself lucky to be alive.

BNI also has the story

ht/ christian pdx


21 Comments on MSM not interested in Somali stabbing woman repeatedly for no reason

  1. The guy on the video was on the right track, but not strong enough. The next time you hear a politician or leftist use the word immigrant or refugee, substitute the word Cannibal. We currently have over a hundred million Cannibals in this country living at the taxpayers expense and, along with our homegrown gangbanger types , committing 95% of the atrocities and violent crime in this country. We need to make our corrupt political class to send these Cannibals home and while they’re here have them live in leftist communities.(It will help them feel better about themselves while being served up for lunch).

    It is time to end ALL immigration for at least 50 years. They did it before 1965 and it can be done again.

  2. Wow! I live in Minnesota and watch the local news and read the local papers. This is the first I’ve seen anything about this.
    The liberal bias has sunk to a new HIGH!
    And they still haven’t done anything about the Somali cop who shot and killed the Australian woman.

  3. Frigging Somalis were brought to Maine in droves. They occupy most of the subsidized housing, are lazy and responsible for much of the crime. One of my boys was mugged by one walking home from work.
    In Lewiston they burn the buildings of whomever they’re mad at. Lewiston was a pit before but now they a deep pit.
    Catholic Charities brought them here. They should be paying their way or send them back.

  4. He should be found, deported, and his whole family should be deported. Furthermore, everyone in his address book should be held for questioning. And let’s not forget his mosque. Enough already. These people are a blight on the world.

  5. Yes yes yes, but you know what the REAL crime here is?

    “and wearing grey stone-washed jeans”


    Such h8 and bigotry that this dreamy dreamer has to dress his probably toned buttocks like it’s 1988! Shame on us as a country for such abuse! Only one way to make this incident right: bring his entire extended family over here.

  6. Most of these Somalis are scrawny runts from chewing khat since they were five. That, and the fact that the victim was probably bundled up against the cold, helped save her life.

    I bet this guy was either strung out on khat twigs, or couldn’t get his fix. Stupid Minneapolis probably gives the shit away for free to khat addicts, through some UN program.

  7. Speaking of blackattack, anybody hear about the big chimp-out at that mall in New Jersey? Over 700 of them. I was amazed to hear that on the news this morning. Usually, I never find out until Colon Flaherty writes about it.

  8. @J B Books December 28, 2017 at 3:01 am

    > It is time to end ALL immigration for at least 50 years

    Sam, I’ve got bad news. Fifty years of smoking, and you’ve got cancer. All kinds of cancer. Lung cancer. Throat cancer. You’ve even got wallet cancer.

    Gee, Doc, somebody should of told me. I mean told me so I’d believe. Like smoke smoke told me. Well, I guess there’s nothing to do but stop smoking. Maybe. If I can convince the kids. And the missus. Oh, and the boss. And the Chinese guy that owns my mortgage. And… well there’s a list. But, if that’s the sacrifice I must suffer, then I’ll stop.

    Well, Sam, as long as you promise to stop. Just promise, not really promise promise. Then your cancer is cured. All hail Jambi!

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