We Definitely Have To Repeal Obamacare – IOTW Report

We Definitely Have To Repeal Obamacare

7 Comments on We Definitely Have To Repeal Obamacare

  1. Since we live in a time where the majority of elected republicans are spineless backstabbing swamp lovers we must do what we can and just accept that we will be unable to do what is right until more of the swamp creatures are unemployed. We (as in the American people) just got our very first victory over the unconstitutional obamacare health destroyer plan. The recently passed tax bill included the removal of the individual mandate/IRS weaponization. Our next step (since our RINO’s can’t be bothered to do what the campaigned and promised they would do: simple repeal) is to remove the employer mandate.

    If we get both of the mandates removed, then we can start eliminating ALL government subsidies and obamacare can “wither on the vine”.

  2. Ryan, McConnell, et.al., once in the driver’s seat, obtained all the advantages of the corruptions and treasons of the Obola years without the blame. This, and only THIS, is why we’re still saddled with the abortion known as ObolaCare. The Republican Mensheviks have no intention of stopping the Gravy Train, only changing the unloading to their cronies.

    If it weren’t for corruption, we’da been freed of this abomination on Jan. 3rd; on the first day Congress sat.

    It’s fucking pathetic that our “two-Party” system has degenerated into a “two-Faction” one-Party system of oppression, extortion, and Treason.

    It’s more fucking pathetic that we continue to allow it.

    izlamo delenda est …

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