The Left Seeks Meat Taxation – IOTW Report

The Left Seeks Meat Taxation

Pj Media says this is why people hate vegans. I will go one step further. This spokeshole is why people hate leftists.

Watch what this crunt does with her statement. It is PURE leftwing.

FAIRR’s head of investor engagement, Rosie Wardle, told The Futurist: “Meat consumption is also one sector where both the issues of environment and health overlap.” “We feel that everyone should have the right to a healthy and nutritious diet,” she added, “and ideally that should help promote a shift towards eating more plant proteins, which is healthier and better for the planet.”

Did you catch it?

You have a right to eat a healthy and nutritious diet, so that’s why they are going to tax meat out of your reach.

“You’re going to be a vegetarian whether you like it or not, because that’s YOUR right.”

I LOATHE the left and this illustrates why their eradication is morally okay.


25 Comments on The Left Seeks Meat Taxation

  1. I’m offended by the destruction of innocent plant life to satisfy the culinary pallets of sicko vegans. Plants and vegetables have a right to live a full life, undisturbed from human interference you bastards!

  2. Vegans, ex-smokers, Progs, anti-guns, gay, femnazis, if you don’t know it, give them 2 minutes of your time, they will be sure to tell you.
    These people never go sleeveless.

  3. They either don’t realize or don’t care that their eating lifestyle kills animals too.
    I worked on a farm as a kid. The number of animals killed while tilling, planting, treating and harvesting crops is astronomical.
    Isn’t every worm, bug and parasite an animal? What about the rodents, snakes and fawns that get chopped up in combines and reapers? They don’t seem to be worried about those creatures since they would have to starve themselves to protect them.

  4. Meat is too expensive already. If meat were cheaper, I could buy more vegetables for side dishes. Make meat cost more & I will buy NO vegetables. We will just have to make do with what hubby grows in his summer garden. We are not zoned for livestock, so we can’t grow that!

  5. Are these vegan people raising or buying organic vegetables? Organic growers uses bone meal for fertilizer. Bone meal comes from ground animal bones. So their veggies will have to be taxed as well. Are they ok with that I wonder.

  6. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Obola add a $25 dollar tax to every steer?
    May have called it some euphemism, but the effect, and the actuality, is the same.

    And then, of course, you have the various USDA fees and “inspection” costs.

    Just like gasoline, even if it were “free” it would cost $0.70/gal. after Fed and State taxes … so would beef be $0.??/lb.

    The greedy maggots never steal enough!

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Soooo, more veggies and grains? Hmm. Who will do all this farming and how will all these vegans get to market? Why after great carbon-fueled machinery clears forests, the farmer will use carbon-fueled machinery to plant and harvest the vegan things, pile it into great trucks that use carbon-fueled machinery to deliver to markets running cooling places with ..carbon-fueled machinery and dispensed to the vegan public who arrived in their …carbon-fueled machinery, then took the vegan stuff to their homes to cook the vegan stuff with…carbon fueled machinery.
    As all people will then consume vegan stuff with high fiber content, the world will stink like one great fart. The end.

  8. Whew! Glad hubby bought a lot of meat yesterday on sale. LOL! Gonna grind it through the LEM, in stages, and make burgers, brats and breakfast patties. F these damn mentally deficient a holes.

  9. Some body had to peel them and put them in shrinkwrap/ It was probably a bunch of illegal beaners doing it in a factory in the middle of nowhere all sothe progtard foodies couldn’t see what they were doing. And OMG, they had to ship it which used evil fossil fuels and contributed to globull warming. What are these idiots supposed to do, eat dirt and tree bark like their favorite starving victim group in Norkland? That’d probably serve them right but then again they just might hear the trees scream in anguish as their bark is peeled. Oh the humanity, they’ve just committed treeocide.

  10. Have you ever seen how poor democrat voters eat?? They will kill someone if their McDonalds cheesburger doesn’t have cheese on it. I’m talking literal murder. And you’re telling me the Dems are going to start taxing meat??

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