Weak 17: A Frozen Wasteland of Empty Seats on the Final Week of the NFL Year – IOTW Report

Weak 17: A Frozen Wasteland of Empty Seats on the Final Week of the NFL Year

Breitbart: For sixteen weeks fewer fans than ever have turned out to attend football games in person at stadiums across the nation, but this week the NFL finally has a reason for a lot of empty seats.

With game-day temperatures at subzero chills all over the east and Midwest, it was a good reason to stay indoors.

Of course, many fans found the temperature excuse less than convincing because attendance has been dismal all year and this weekend, chill or no, there were still a lot of empty NFL seats for a Week 17 in a Winter month that everyone should just assume might be cold. Hardy fans have turned out in worse in years past, after all.

Whatever the reason, there are empty seats galore all across the league.

Even as the Cowboys trekked to Philadelphia’s Lincoln Financial Field to face the Eagles, the stands seemed fairly empty of fans as the Cowboys topped a scoreless home team 6-0.  read more

15 Comments on Weak 17: A Frozen Wasteland of Empty Seats on the Final Week of the NFL Year

  1. Iv’e seen Hippies with Frozen Beards – Negros with Frozen Afro’s and Naked people running the field with Frozen Winkie’s not miss a Live Game.
    Try another Excuse to make yourselves feel that you didn’t just take it up the Ass from Jessie Jackoff and Co !

  2. Might have to tell CBS Sports and ESPN that pictures don’t lie. Was sent a link re ESPN claiming/implying/flat out lying about more tickets sold this year than last year. ESPN did not show overflowing stadiums to back up their claims. The next day a blogger cleared up the mystery. ESPN counted all tickets disbursed, including thousands of free tickets. ESPN fraudulently implied they were counting tickets at the turnstiles. Was stunned to hear Amy Lawrence claim the NFL was rolling in huge amounts of dough under Goodell. Won’t listen to her any more.

  3. I don’t think I hardly watched or listened to Seattle Seahawks games this yr. at all. And my son gave up on week 1, he was a diehard Seahawks fan. Baseball season is right around the corner, it’s less than 3 months now and counting till opening day in late March. And college basketball is in full swing now, GO ZAGS! And I really don’t give 2 hoots in Hell about the NFL playoffs nor the Stuporbowl this year.

  4. I’m really glad the Seahawks did not make the playoffs. It just goes to show you, you can’t be a championship football team and social justice warriors at the same time.

  5. I am waiting for season ticket holders to give up their investments; lots of teams claim to have waiting lists. Until that happens, they’ve made the bulk of their money.


    You need to get people out of their comfortable homes, and blow A TON of money and time on a Sunday to sit in a below-zero stadium.

    Freebies? Nope.
    1/2 price on hotdogs? Nope.
    Free thermal hats for the kids? Nope.
    Chance to get a picture or autograph with a player? Nope.
    Lucky fan meet the owner and sit in skybox? Nope.
    Free parking for first 100-Nope.
    Photo with cheerleaders? Nope.
    Ticket stub entry for chance to win–Nope.
    Fireworks? Nope.
    Chance to win a new car at half-time? Nope.


  7. I read a post on another site and the woman was asking for prayers for her son. Her son and wife went to a Denver Bronco game yesterday. Going down the bleachers he slide on ice and broke his leg in two places. He’s still in the hospital. I’m sorry, but I can’t pray for someone who shouldn’t have been there in the first place. He should have been boycotting the NFL, but instead maybe he got his just reward.

  8. NFL stadium attendance is coasting on last year’s season ticket sales. Those with strong principles wrote off their purchase and stopped going to the games; some others, having paid for the tickets, will use them up.

    But next year, for a severely damaged product, it is highly unlikely than many will choose to buy tickets. Result: one dead NFL.

  9. next years season ticket renewals/purchases will tell the tale
    but, I do think they may have killed the goose that lays the golden egg … the NFL was always sold on ‘The Game’, a part of US Patriotism … Goodell & Company have destroyed that product. (being a bff of Barky O, I believe that was his goal all along)
    it is possible that next years sales will sell out, as this years sales did at the beginning of the season, (some will renew & those that have been in line will scarf up those that don’t) but in the long run they are done as a major entity & will fail as bad, or worse than this year. Millennials aren’t there & can barely get up enough support for their college teams … it won’t carry over to pro ball (remember: the NFL was formed off of the back of college football)
    buh bye NFL …. you did it to yourselves … a butthurt history lesson

  10. when you have a poorly-attended playoff game between the archrival Cowboys and Beagles, there’s your proof that the NFL is failing. Sad!

    Fake Football and Fake News go together.

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