Comey just can’t stop punching himself – IOTW Report

Comey just can’t stop punching himself


Fmr FBI chief James Comey welcomes New Year with dig at Trump. Let’s just say it didn’t go over well.

James Comey just can’t let it go.

The former FBI director took to Twitter Sunday evening to express a hope for “more ethical leadership in 2018”–a remark widely interpreted as alluding to President Donald Trump.

Here’s hoping 2018 brings more ethical leadership, focused on the truth and lasting values. Happy New Year, everybody.

Many users fired back at Comey’s indirect New Year’s Eve jab at the president.  more

9 Comments on Comey just can’t stop punching himself

  1. nothing worse that a self-obsessed officious prick
    … little has changed in their views of the world & particularly of their own self-righteousness since their wonder-years of Jr. High School Student Council

  2. this idiot should have realized his good luck at not being prosecuted, and gone down his emergency rabbit hole…instead, he’s playing whack-a-mole from the bottom, under the board….WHACK!!!!….WHACK!!!!….

    some people never learn how to keep their mouth shut…..

    for some reason, this is three times true for government workers, as opposed to us normals…..

    hey, comey…..take your marbles and go home… DO NOT WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME against the Donald……

    you will lose…..bigly….

  3. “Nice little Federal VIP retirement package you got there.
    Be a shame if something happened to it.”

    Time for PDT to introduce individual net worth “means testing” for government retirement packages.
    Got lots of money? Got other income streams? Got a nice fat book deal? Lecture tours? Great–no pension this year.
    Taxpayers save a bundle.
    It’s coming.

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