4 Dead in London New Year’s Eve Stabbings – IOTW Report

4 Dead in London New Year’s Eve Stabbings

Breitbart London: Four young men have been stabbed to death in unrelated attacks in the space of 15 hours in London, Scotland Yard said.

The killings – three on New Year’s Eve and a fourth in the early hours of New Year’s Day – happened in north, east and south London and none were being treated as linked, the Metropolitan police said.

The three deaths on Sunday bring the total number of fatal stabbings in 2017 to 80, Scotland Yard confirmed. The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said he will “work tirelessly in 2018 and beyond to stamp out this scourge”.

11 Comments on 4 Dead in London New Year’s Eve Stabbings

  1. Ever see the protest marches against KNIFE CRIME?

    Ridiculous. What does that do really? The gov’t had everyone turn in their guns, now they are flooded with muslim crazies stabbing the indigenous people.

    It’s like disarming the Indians, then shooting them all.

  2. The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said he will “work tirelessly in 2018 and beyond to stamp out this scourge”.

    Well here’s a gun then Mayor. Blow your brains out. Scourge problem solved.

  3. I was hoping to read that it was native Brits stabbing imported muzzies. But since the presstitutes aren’t screaming from the rooftops, I’m guessing it was the other way around.

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