Undocumented Democrat Voters – IOTW Report

Undocumented Democrat Voters

Political Clown Parade : California’s once-unrivalled status as the country’s most educated state has long since disintegrated under wave after wave of low-skilled, low-social Mexican and Central American immigrants. Now, California’s K-12 system is an education backwater. The state’s most Hispanic school-aged population lacks competitive linguistic and math skills.
California is becoming another Brazil, divided between fabulously wealthy elites hunkered down in their own coastal sanctuaries, and a poor, Third World population. Before the rest of the country ends up in the same situation, the immigration policies that gave rise to the Steinle homicide must change.
The illegal alien lawyers’ lobby agenda is clear: they want to stop all deportations and in so doing eviscerate our sovereignty once and for all. Their ultimate aim is to transform the country culturally and demographically. Sanctuary policies are one of their most powerful weapons in that crusade.

8 Comments on Undocumented Democrat Voters

  1. Whut’s all this “we” stuff?
    California created this problem.
    California elects self-absorbed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, kumbaya-singing, Rainbow Plantation, Politically Correct, COEXIST bumper-sticker, Liberal Socialists.
    California wants to disregard Federal law.
    I say stop feeding this monster with our hard-earned Federal tax dollars and let California deal with their own self-imposed problems! If they want to drag themselves down to the level of another Venezuela, we shouldn’t have to keep sending them pallet-loads of money to fund it with!!
    Let them be the example of “Dont’ Be That Guy”

  2. It’s not Ebonics anymore, it’s called African-American Vernacular. There is a section explaining it and how I am to accept it in my classroom in the back of the teacher’s manual of our newly adopted common core language arts curriculum. The program my district adopted is called Benchmark, look it up. The first unit is Government, it teachers that we can’t survive with out it.

  3. this is how rome was destroyed, through unfettered immigration.

    becoming a roman citizen lost it’s meaning because they let everyone become one bringing about the end.

    sound familiar ?

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