Manafort Sues Robert Mueller, DOJ – IOTW Report

Manafort Sues Robert Mueller, DOJ

Daily Caller; Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is suing Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and the Department of Justice.

Rosenstein, Brand

Manafort, a longtime Republican political operative and lobbyist, filed suit in federal court in Washington, D.C. alleging that Mueller has exceeded his authority in the Russia investigation by focusing on activities that occurred well before Donald Trump launched his presidential campaign.

Strzok, mueller

The lawsuit notes that Mueller’s initial mandate was to investigate “links and/or coordination between theRussian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.”

But Mueller’s probe, which began in May, has instead focused on Manafort’s offshore business dealings and his political consulting in Ukraine — activities which Manafort’s filing asserts “have been known to the United States government for many years.”  read more

6 Comments on Manafort Sues Robert Mueller, DOJ

  1. They’ll not pull Mueller’s lips off the government tit.
    There are $Millions to be billed for him and his democrat buddies on his investigating team. Scope, schmope, DOJ will keep cutting the checks.

    It’s sad that Sessions recused himself from leading the DOJ.

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