California Lawmaker Introduces Bill To Ban Gas Powered Cars By 2040 – IOTW Report

California Lawmaker Introduces Bill To Ban Gas Powered Cars By 2040

Daily Caller:  A California lawmaker introduced a bill Wednesday that would ban the sale of gas-powered cars in the state by 2040.

Democratic Assemblymember Phil Ting introduced the Clean Cars 2040 Act in an effort to prevent climate change by cutting back on greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles. If passed, his bill would mandate that all passenger vehicles sold after Jan. 1, 2040, be zero-emission machines.

“California has long led the nation in promoting environmental protection and public health through visionary policies and technological innovations,” Ting said in a statement Wednesday. “It’s time that we clear the path for emissions-free transportation and take significant steps to achieve our ambitious emissions reduction goals.”

Billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer, who is currently running a campaign to impeach President Donald Trump, lent his support to the bill.

31 Comments on California Lawmaker Introduces Bill To Ban Gas Powered Cars By 2040

  1. Soooooo … why wait for 2040?
    Filthy fukkin hypocrites.

    They can all pat each other on the back preening about their “ambitious” enviro-Nazi bullshit plan, without actually doing anything.

    22 years is an eternity in politics – and they know it.
    The “Thousand Year Reich” only lasted 12 years.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. That is as smart as when they introduced their own emissions standards back in the 70’s. All that did was make the cars cost more to buy and operate. It killed mpg.

  3. This isn’t about reducing emissions, this is about joining a growing group of CA libtards that pick and choose what to thumb their nose at.

    Zero emissions my ass – Where do they think rare earth metals come from?

    Take any old ICE car and you’ll see responsible proven manufacturing. Versus a hipster mobile that pollutes heavily at creation and heavily at disposal while barfing burned coal to charge in a garage.

    Electric cars are a waste of our resources, and couple that with the dream of autonomous driving you end up with a whole swath of people that pollute way more than industry standards just so everyone can be on “common ground,” a ground made up on their shitty standards; so shitty in fact regulations need to be passed to make sure they are followed.

  4. Modern commercial diesels come plumbed for propane conversion at manufacture time, so they won’t immediately shut down all shipping – they’ll just cripple it. A propane converted semi has about a 150 mile range on a full tank. All of their shipping in CA will become local shipping, the freight charges will cause all products to become obscenely expensive.

  5. Solar power operated Magnets! The front and back of cars will be made of magnets. Only problem is, everyone has to go the same route the first guy or the last guy is going, in reverse. Because they (“The city”) are the only ones that can afford the solar get-up. Is that a flaw in the plan? Sure. But only 1 of many. Doesn’t matter, because… SOLAR! MAGNETS! lol.

  6. Assemblymember Phil Ting was quoted as saying that he had lived with foul, noxious emissions his whole life and he was sick and tired of it.

    The Assemblymember’s brother, Phar Ting, was unavailable for comment.

    His brother,

  7. Pedal cars = zero emissions. Just got to plan ahead for a travel speed of 5 mph. But since pot is legal in California now they could smoke a joint before the trip and feel like they’re doing 70 mph.

  8. Wimpy, why not all vehicles on the road? Trucks could off load at the border, that would be plenty of work for the new economy. What was the plan to replace money lost from fuel taxes?

  9. make the reactor portable, could work like in-air fueling, extension cords to your commuting buddies.
    Build your own fuel cell, burn water, send $35 to (your business name here) for the plans.

  10. Yeah. Why wait, do it now. 49 other states want the jobs, workers, and tax revenue. We’ll trade for our state’s non contributing leeches, illegals, criminals, fugitives, drug addicts, drop outs, alcoholics, insane, obama sons, gang members, and others likgely to vote for democrats.

  11. Progressives think that passing a law can make anything happen. And all cars by 2040 will be powered by unicorn farts and rainbows. Lets make $100,000 a year the minimum wage. Let’s pass a law to end war and crime. Give everyone an IQ of 150. Free health care and education. Free food and housing. Life will be great.

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