JFK’s Nephew Says Rahm Emanuel Plans To Kick Black People Out Of Chicago – IOTW Report

JFK’s Nephew Says Rahm Emanuel Plans To Kick Black People Out Of Chicago

Daily Caller: Chris Kennedy, a Democratic Illinois gubernatorial candidate and nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, claimed on Thursday that Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has a plan to kick African-Americans out of the city on Thursday.

Not Photoshopped

“I believe that black people are being pushed out of Chicago intentionally by a strategy that involves disinvestment in communities being implemented by the city administration. I believe Rahm Emanuel is the head of the city administration and therefore needs to be held responsible for those outcomes,” Kennedy said at a news conference, according to the Chicago Tribune.

“This is involuntary,” he continued. “That we’re cutting off funding for schools, cutting off funding for police, allowing people to be forced to live in food deserts, closing hospitals, closing access to mental health facilities. What choice do people have but to move, to leave? And I think that’s part of a strategic gentrification plan being implemented by the city of Chicago to push people of color out of the city. The city is becoming smaller, and as it becomes smaller, it’s become whiter.”  read more

SNIP: Did his nose vacuum up his top lip or what?

46 Comments on JFK’s Nephew Says Rahm Emanuel Plans To Kick Black People Out Of Chicago

  1. Lemme guess: Chicongo is getting Federal Urban Renewal grants to clean up the ghettos. At the same time Chicongo welfare agencies are buying up high density properties in neighboring communities and turning new properties into Section 8 housing complexes. Displaced ghetto dwellers are being directed to newly purchased Section 8 properties. Shazaaayam. Chicongo mayor can take credit for lowering crime rate. NO ONE in the local MSM will dare reveal what Rahm Emanuel did to his neighbors, even as crime rates soar in newly developing ghettos.

  2. I love it – Democrats lobbing charges of racism at each other. Kennedy’s statements are every bit as racist as the alleged actions of Emmanuel – Kennedy is basically claiming that without massive government intervention, black communities can’t take care of themselves.

    Schools aren’t being shut because of anti-black sentiment – they’re being shut because enrollments are down and Chicago needs to consolidate some of the neighborhood schools. Gangs run (and ruim) many neighborhoods, but no one can say anything about this because this would highlight an actual problem. People don’t necessarily move because they want to – they move because their neighborhood has become a dangerous hell hole and they have a chance to get out.

    And yes, there is a lot of development and gentrification in Chicago. Areas I would not and could not step foot in 40 years ago are now bristling with new apartments and condos and new businesses and are relatively safe for everyone. There is a lot to complain about when it comes to millenials and hipsters, but they have made certain neighborhoods in Chicago trendy and more upscale. There are no more housing projects which were nothing but hotbeds of criminal violence and drug dealing.

    I gueess Chris Kennedy wants to preserve these areas as…what? A perverse zoo where tourists can experience the thrill of potential drive-by shootings by the natives? A living historical monument to the failed liberal policies of the last 50 years? His true motive is actually just naked pandering to the black community, but I would be offended by the racist implications of his statements.

  3. No such thing as a food desert. Just places where grocery stores aren’t viable because of the population. How the hell can you run a store if your customers only shop for the one week they have money after getting their monthly charity check?

  4. It’s not just Shitcongo. Under previous administrations, under the cover of “disparate impact”, communities all over the US have been threatened with withholding of federal dollars if minorities were concentrated into distinct neighborhoods. They forced cities to build subsidized housing in upscale (typically white) neighborhoods, thus diluting the crime statistics that show higher crime in minority areas.

  5. He’s just upset his reliable voting bloc, gullible liberal blacks, won’t be there to guarantee he wins the election. Guess he’ll have to rely on dead democrats and illegals voting more than once. *tiny violin plays*

  6. Democrats haven’t lost a single black vote in Chitcago and never will as long as the braindead vote and the actual dead continue to vote.

    And for 2018, let “Free Mummia Abu Jamal” become “Free Orthodontics for the Kennedys”

  7. Which Kennedy sounds like a bleating goat when he talks? John & Ken had clips of him a few times on their show with a goat bleating in the background and it made me double over laughing.

  8. Sounds more like Valerie Jarrett has figured out a new angle to her slumlord empire. And, of course, Emanuel is in on it – Kennedy’s just pissed he’s not getting a cut. Jarrett and Obola should cut him in – always a good idea to have a toady in Springfield.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. “Kennedy is basically claiming that without massive government intervention, black communities can’t take care of themselves”
    Some might call that racist; I call it an undeniable fact.

  10. There are definitely some horse genes in that fambly.

    Well, half a horse anyway. The back half.

    Why do all the Kennedy’s look like they’re inbred sort of like Prince Upchuck in the UK.

    Um, because they ARE inbred worse than Appalachia??

    No such thing as a food desert. Just places where grocery stores aren’t viable because of the population.

    A population that shoplifts stuff faster than you can stock it.

  11. Seriously, if the US were to give “Americans” (wink-wink) the offer of one way passage to Liberia — with resignation of US citizenship — and $100K/head, a lot of folk, with no ability to think beyond the end of the week, would take the deal. I’ve known many, personally. Give Liberia a billion bucks and….

    It would help a lot with folk on the low end of the IQ bell curve… ….Lady in Red

  12. There’s always room for another progressive/socialist/communist in Illinois Politics. He’ll fit in with the majority of Illinois metropolitan voters.

    If it hadn’t been for the voter fraud by old Mayor Daley the Kennedy’s would have been a footnote in the book of drunken, womanizing failures.

  13. No more Kennedys, Bushes or Clintons should be elected to any office. Patrick Bush is Land Commissioner in Texas on name recognition and is colluding with the libtards in San Antonio to disgrace The Alamo.

  14. Has this jackass accused Jerry Brown yet of kicking whites, well all races really, maybe it’s more American citizens being pushed out of Calif. ? If news reports are true a lot of people there feel forced to get the heck out and live in another state.

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