Black Unemployment Rate Hits All-Time Low – IOTW Report

Black Unemployment Rate Hits All-Time Low

Breitbart: In the month of December, the unemployment rate for black Americans dropped to just 6.8 percent, which is the lowest ever recorded. Prior to this month, the previous record was 7.4 percent in 2000.

The government has been tracking unemployment by race for 45 years, since 1972.

The Hispanic unemployment rate remains at a near record low of just 4.9 percent, up just a bit from the record of 4.7 percent in November of last year.

White unemployment sits at 3.7 percent, while only 2.5 percent of Asians are unemployed.

The overall unemployment rate is just 4.1 percentREAD MORE

5 Comments on Black Unemployment Rate Hits All-Time Low

  1. I’ve generally not trusted the government’s reported unemployment rate but I do believe unemployment under President Trump to be far lower than the rates under the previous four presidents. He actually cares.

  2. After the last recession there was an expectation of a rapid rebound, called a V shaped recovery. Then after the financial leadership of Obama, everyone invented an excuse for that not occurring. Doing nothing would have brought us this years ago.

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